Saturday, January 30, 2010

Abstract Reality II

An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight... the truly wise person is colorblind.
~Albert Schweitzer~

Hi my friends,

thanks again and again for all the wonderful comments and compliments to my
"Abstract Reality" picture from yesterday. This one today is in red and is a follow up on the blue from yesterday. Different but strong too.
Don't think that I'm on a "Color therapy" trip now........LOL... :))
I feel fine, don't worry....*smile*...

It's weekend again and it's warming up slowly in Florida. It's very nice and in the 70's today. Just to let you people know, up there in the North: pack your bags and run away from that cold and snow. Come down here...
Florida needs some more tourists here! :))

Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm.

who wants to have another one?

Friday, January 29, 2010

Abstract Reality

Color is for me the purest form of expression, the purest abstract reality.
~Jim Hodges~

Hi my friends,
Thank you ALL for the nice comments from yesterday. Yesterday it was the color "green" and today I'm here "in blue". How do you like that...?

And now it's "cleaning the house time" on my agenda today
I don't love it, I hate it....*smile*....

Who wants to come and help me with...LOL...
See you tomorrow!

btw, I still have some CALENDARS 2010 left, just in case you want pep up those gray walls in your office with one.... they are available to buy here - and... THANK you!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coconuts, Coconuts...

“Eat coconuts while you have teeth”

~ Singhalese Proverb ~

Hi my friends,

I think, in this quote is a lot of truth involved, isn't it? ...*smile*... it's useful in many situations in life - so then, remember this words the next time....LOL...

Thank you all for the kind comments and compliments to my post. Love you all!

Have a wonderful day and see you tomorrow again...


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Camellia, the camellias,

is a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae. They are native to eastern and southern Asia, from the Himalaya east to Korea and Indonesia. There are 100–250 described species, with some controversy over the exact number. The genus was named by Linnaeus after the Jesuit botanist Georg Joseph Kamel from Brno, who worked on the Philippines. This genus is famous throughout East Asia; camellias are known as cháhuā (茶花) in Chinese, as tsubaki (椿) in Japanese, and as dongbaek-kkot (동백꽃) in Korean.

The most famous member – though often not recognized as a camellia – is certainly the tea plant (C. sinensis). Among the ornamental species, the Japanese Camellia (C. japonica) (which despite its name is also found in Korea and Eastern China) is perhaps the most widely-known, though most camellias grown for their flowers are cultivars or hybrids.

Hi my friends,

thank you so much for all your visits and comments and kind words yesterday.

It's time for us to get out a little bit again for "snapping" some fresh air. It's very nice today out there, the sun is shining but the temps are in the 60's - don't forget to take the jacket with you :)

See you again tomorrow? yes, here...exactly on this spot, I'll be here!


Monday, January 25, 2010

A busy beach in the mornings

"We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world,

and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend."

Catch a little bit of sunshine on your shoulder and the whole world is good and peaceful

Hi my friends,

thank you for your visit and for all the wonderful comments you made on my blog. Very much appreciated, you always make my day with your kind words.

A new week is in front of us, I wish you all that it will be a good one for you. David, my husband, is slowly recovering and that's the best message for us just now. We are looking forward so far into a good new week. Stay positive, right?

See you tomorrow, come back visiting, if you find the time and enjoy my little blurbs :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Lazy Frog

We think too small, like the frog at the bottom of the well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view.
Mao Tse-Tung

Hi my friends,

Again, thanks for all your kind comments.
Today I have a humorous photo of a frog sculpture I have photographed yesterday, I call him "The Lazy Frog". We took a little ride out in country side. David felt good again for the first time - Hallelujah!

Tomorrow I'll have my "Wordless Sunday" photo up - come back and see it and comments are - like always - very much appreciated.

See'ya tomorrow! Enjoy your weekend.

CALENDARS 2010 anyone...???? Two or are still three left.....

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Footprints on the sands of time

While it is well enough to leave footprints on the sands of time, it is even more important to make sure they point in a commendable direction.
James Branch Cabell

Hi my friends,
I'm so glad you liked my nostalgia picture from yesterday. Your comments made my day too and I appreciate every single one, thank you so much!How do you like this one today?

Thank you also for all your concerns and well wishes for my still bad feeling husband.
He will be well soon again, I know that.
Time is a great therapist.

See you tomorrow - big hug to all of you.

btw, CALENDARS 2010 anyone...???? There are 2 or 3 still left.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Love Nostalgia

Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.
Doug Larson

Hi my friends,

I love nostalgia. I loved to see how people were living on the world famous Route 66 back in the good old days. This photo was made in one of the museums on Route 66 during our RV travels last year. Everyone of us remember those old gramophones, right? :)

I'm still a nurse at home, hubby is coughing worse than ever. We went yesterday again to the doctor in the clinic, he got more pills and inhalers, that's all. It seems like its a bad story without an end, the same scenes over and over again - I can't help him to much, I wish I could - and he has all the pain to get trough. I wish the good old days back, also for him, more than ever!

Never give up and think positive, right? It will be well again one day....
See you tomorrow,


Monday, January 18, 2010

Venetian masks

The Venetian Sun - is a paper mache deco item to hang up on the wall, I bought this in 2000 originally in Venice, Italy. I'm selling this now and if anyone out there is interested, let me know, drop me an email.

Venetian masks are a centuries-old tradition of Venice, Italy. The masks are typically worn during the Carnevale (Carnival of Venice), but have been used on many other occasions in the past, usually as a device for hiding the wearer's identity and social status. The mask would permit the wearer to act more freely in cases where he or she wanted to interact with other members of the society outside the bounds of identity and everyday convention. It was thus useful for a variety of purposes, some of them illicit or criminal, others just personal, such as romantic encounters.

Venetian masks are characterized by their ornate design, featuring bright colors such as gold or silver and the use of complex decorations in the baroque style. Many designs of Venetian masks stem from Commedia dell'arte. They can be full-face masks (e.g. the bauta) or eye masks (e.g. the Columbina).

Hi my friends,

I want to say so many thanks to all my loyal friends out there for all your wonderful comments to my post yesterday. I appreciate every single one, you always make my day with your supporting comments!

I wish you a wonderful day and see you tomorrow again.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Are they cloned...???

March, march, march.....they all marched in the same direction, away from me as soon as they saw me coming closer with my camera and they were so cute, everyone looked the same. I asked myself, are they real or are they maybe cloned?....*smile*....
(click in the picture to see it bigger)

Hi my friends,

It was a nice and warmer day again in the 70's. We've decided to take a walk at the beach, after sitting for some days in the house. I liked these cute birds so much, because they looked so funny with their hairdo (in the wind) and their colorful yellow beaks.

It was good - for both of us - to breath some fresh sea air after hubby was so sick for some days - and he is still coughing so much. Fresh air is always good for the lungs.

Tomorrow will be my "Wordless Sunday" again. I would love to see you visiting my little blog tomorrow too.

Thank you also for all the kind and wonderful comments and compliments.
Love you all!

CALENDARS 2010....???? I have still some left - for you!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Light Reflections

Playing with light and a crystal

A crystal or crystalline solid

is a solid material, whose constituent atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions. The scientific study of crystals and crystal formation is crystallography. The process of crystal formation via mechanisms of crystal growth is called crystallization or solidification. The word crystal is derived from the ancient Greek word κρύσταλλος (krustallos), which had the same meaning, but according to the ancient understanding of crystal. At root it means anything congealed by freezing, such as ice.[1] The word once referred particularly to quartz, or "rock crystal".

Most metals encountered in everyday life are polycrystals. Crystals are often symmetrically intergrown to form crystal twins.

Hi my friends,

thanks you so much for all your wonderful congrats to my post about the award I got yesterday. It felt to me like a having a special day, something like Birthday or Christmas or both in once :)) Awards are not falling from the sky every day, it WAS a special day!
And thanks again to Carol for giving it to me.

Today is a beautiful day again in Florida, the temps are in the 70's and now we are heading out to the beach. Hubby need some fresh air to breath - and me

I wish you a wonderful day, see you tomorrow.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A new award...

I got yesterday this nice award from Carol Archie, my blogger friend at:

Honey Bunches of stuff

There is indeed a bunch of stuff to read, to think and to smile about. Go there and read here posts! Thank you so much Carol for choosing me, I appreciate it.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's red and it's fast...

It's red....

it's fast....

it's elegant...

it's a Kawasaki...

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

(川崎重工業株式会社 Kawasaki Jūkōgyō Kabushiki-gaisha?) (TYO: 7012) is an international corporation based in Japan. It has headquarters in both Chūō-ku, Kobe and Minato, Tokyo.

The company is named after its founder Shozo Kawasaki and has no connection with the city of Kawasaki, Kanagawa.

Its most visible consumer product lines are its motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, although the company and its subsidiaries also manufacture personal watercraft, ships, industrial plants, tractors, trains, small engines, and aerospace equipment (including military aircraft). Subcontract work on jet aircraft (including jumbo jets) has been done for Boeing, Embraer, and Bombardier.

Hi my friends,

I'm a Motorcycle freak - are you really thinking something like that? I'm not! I just like to see these beautiful "things" and I love to photograph the technical details, the pretty forms and the colors of these great machines. I don't think, I would take a ride with any one again. My father was a big motor cyclist and as a kid I had to ride with him often, and he was a fast rider too....*smile*... so, that's explains why I don't need to ride them anymore :)

Thank you ALL so much for your wonderful comments from yesterday, I appreciate every single one! Come back tomorrow to meet me again - here on this spot, o.k.? :)

Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Remember the warmer days in Florida

The picture shows pelicans flying over the waves at Cocoa Beach.

Hi my friends,

The best thing on the cold days we have just now in Florida is: the sun is back again!
It's still not warm enough as it should be, but it's getting better. There are still some cold days ahead.

I worry much more for our animals and plants. I heard stories about the manatees, sea turtles and iguanas who are suffering and dieing from these freezing cold temperatures. People are helping to rescue them all over Florida and they even open up again old electric plants, so the animals can come to warm up in the warm waters there. Sea turtles get washed to the shores, they cannot swim anymore in this cold temperatures. People help to collect them, bring them to shelters where they get good care and warm water to warm up again.

Thank you all for your kind comments yesterday, very much appreciated.

CALENDARS 2010 anyone...????
There are still some left, pep up those gray walls in your office with one!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I think we all need some sunshine today!

Hi my friends,

It's cold in Florida!! 35.9F are NOT the temperatures we are used to and there is no sunshine to see today in the Sunshine State. I really think, we all need some warmth in form of a strong red colored flower that's replaces the sun today in a symbolic way. I hope it warms up your hearts!

Thank you for all your kind comments from yesterday. Today I'm a nurse at home (that's my 2nd job just now), my husband is ill since some days with a very bad cough. Hoping it will be better every day, just now it doesn't looks like....

Tomorrow I have another "Wordless Sunday" photo for you. Come back tomorrow if you can. See you - and love you all!

Stay warm!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Frozen Heart

As I told you already yesterday, I want to show you that today in my picture I made from my car window this morning:
It's freezing cold in Florida - brrrrrrbrrrrr....

Hi my friends,

thanks for the comments, very kind of you all!
It's cold, I have to go back to the warm fire place :)
See you tomorrow.

I have still some left - for you!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Stay warm!

If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you'll never enjoy the sunshine.
Morris West

Hi my friends,

I like to send you ALL a little bit of sunshine to your way in my photo.

It's COLD in Florida, freezing cold! We are hoping it will move bye pretty soon, because this cold is not good for all the Citrus plants and the Strawberries are frozen already.

We are wearing warm coats - no shorts and flip-flops anymore :)
Thank you for all your wonderful and warm comments to my pelican post from yesterday.

See you tomorrow - and stay warm!

CALENDARS anybody...??? There are some left...the last ones....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

He belongs to the Pelicanidae family

A pelican is a large water bird with a distinctive pouch under the beak, belonging to the bird family Pelecanidae.

Along with the darters, cormorants, gannets, boobies, frigatebirds, and tropicbirds, pelicans make up the order Pelecaniformes. Modern pelicans, of which there are eight species, are found on all continents except Antarctica. They occur mostly in warm regions, though breeding ranges reach 45° south (Australian Pelican, P. conspicillatus) and 60° North (American White Pelicans, P. erythrorhynchos, in western Canada). Birds of inland and coastal waters, they are absent from polar regions, the deep ocean, oceanic islands, and inland South America.

Pelicans are large birds with large pouched bills. The smallest is the Brown Pelican (P. occidentalis), small individuals of which can be as little as 2.75 kg (6 lb), 106 cm (42 in) long and can have a wingspan of as little as 1.83 m (6 ft). The largest is believed to be the Dalmatian Pelican (P. crispus), at up to 15 kg (33 lb), 183 cm (72 in) long, with a maximum wingspan of nearly 3.5 m (11.5 ft). The Australian Pelican has the longest bill of any bird.

Pelicans swim well with their short, strong legs and their feet with all four toes webbed (as in all birds placed in the order Pelecaniformes). The tail is short and square, with 20 to 24 feathers. The wings are long and have the unusually large number of 30 to 35 secondary flight feathers. A layer of special fibers deep in the breast muscles can hold the wings rigidly horizontal for gliding and soaring. Thus they can exploit thermals to commute over 150 km (100 miles) to feeding areas.

Pelicans rub the backs of their heads on their preen glands to pick up its oily secretion, which they transfer to their plumage to waterproof it.

Read and learn more about the Pelicans here

Hi my friends,

thank you very much for all the kind comments to my sunset photos from yesterday. I knew it you'll like them. It was indeed a breathtaking sunset!

Today I have a little post about pelican birds. We see them flying here in Florida at the coast and at the beaches, they are everywhere. They fly around in groups or there are also single ones, like this one in my photo today. I think he was a sort of recovering from probably broken legs, because he couldn't walk very well. That gave me the opportunity to get close enough to him to get this photo. He looks beautiful!

Looking forward to see you tomorrow again.


CALENDARS 2010, do you still need one? I have some left for you....

Monday, January 4, 2010

My First Sunset in 2010

The sky was like on fire
(There is NO PhotoShop in any of these pictures!)

Looking out from the backyard the sky was colored in deep red clouds

My first sunset photos in 2010 - made on New Years Day

Hi my friends,

Thank you all for coming back to my blog also in 2010. I appreciate all your kind comments and they make my day - and you know that, right?...*smile*....

I'm happy also to see some new faces visiting - you are ALL very welcome to stay with me.

So far, I have nothing special to tell you today, stay tuned and I'll see you tomorrow.
I have now some house work to do too, :)


some CALENDARS 2010 anybody...??? I still have some left....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I could'nt resist...

One of these wonderful bikes were parked at the beach
Learn more about below


(NYSE: HOG, formerly HDI),

often abbreviated H-D or Harley, is an American motorcycle manufacturer. Founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during the first decade of the 20th century, it was one of two major American motorcycle manufacturers to survive the Great Depression. Harley-Davidson also survived a period of poor quality control and competition with Japanese manufacturers.

The company sells heavyweight (over 750 cc) motorcycles designed for cruising on the highway. Harley-Davidson motorcycles (popularly known as "Harleys") have a distinctive design and exhaust note. They are especially noted for the tradition of heavy customization that gave rise to the chopper-style of motorcycle. Except for the modern VRSC model family, current Harley-Davidson motorcycles reflect the styles of classic Harley designs. Harley-Davidson's attempts to establish itself in the light motorcycle market have met with limited success and have largely been abandoned since the 1978 sale of its Italian Aermacchi subsidiary.

Harley-Davidson sustains a loyal brand community which keeps active through clubs, events, and a museum. Licensing of the Harley-Davidson logo accounts for almost 5% of the company's net revenue.

Read more about here

Hi my friends,

New year is here and I hope you all had a great start into 2010!

We went to the beach, of course.... and there they were! Five of the most beautiful Harley Davidson motor cycles. They were cruising the island up and down enjoying the warming sunshine on their back. I could not resist not to take pictures and voila, here they are :)

My thanks are going to all my "old" loyal friends from 2009 and also from more back to 2006 who still come (almost every day) visiting and commenting my blog. I appreciate your words! And there have also been some new faces recently showing up. You are all very welcome to follow my daily blurbs and photos with your comments :)

See you tomorrow again?

I have decided also in 2010, I will continue my "Wordless Sunday" series with "pictures without words". These will be new pictures or pictures from my archives, from my travels or even pictures out from my fine art collection. For you, it should feel like opening a surprise box every Sunday, o.k.? :)

See you tomorrow!

Until January/February I'll be still selling my CALENDARS 2010.
I have to offer CALENDARS from:

Santa Fe
Key West
Route 66
America - what a country

Does anyone need one right now...?