Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Coloful Combinations

Colorful combination of four single photographs

Hi my friends,
Thank you very much for all the wonderful compliments to "My Wordless Sunday" photo on Sunday. 
I do appreciate your visits and comments - you make always my day!
In this photo I have combined all four colorful photos I was shooting recently. 
I do like them, what about you?

I hope you have a great week - and thanks for visiting again.

Or buy my art on Red Bubble and my European Fans buy my work here.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eye of The Day

Hide and seek with a little Daisy

Bellis perennis
is a common European species of Daisy, often considered the archetypal species of that name. Many related plants also share the name "Daisy", so to distinguish this species from other daisies it is sometimes qualified as Common Daisy, Lawn Daisy or occasionally English daisy. It is native to western, central and northern Europe. The species is widely naturalised in North America, and also in South America.

It is thought that the name "daisy" is a corruption of "day's eye", because the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning. Chaucer called it "eye of the day".
Daisy is also a common girl's name and is a nickname for girls named Margaret, after the French name for the oxeye daisy, marguerite.

Hi my friends,
Thank you for liking my last post and I hope you'll like this one too. Sorry to bother you on your days off, it's weekend, I know.... but don't forget to come back again tomorrow! 
My "Wordless Sunday" photo will be online - a picture to enjoy without any words :)
Sunshines to you!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Friday, August 27, 2010

Summer is over?

Dry sea grapes at the shores - a digital processed photograph that looks almost like a painting.

Hi my friends,
Thank you for all the wonderful comments to my post yesterday!
Todays picture is an attempt to give my photo a painterly look. I know, I'm still far away from that with my technics, but it's big fun to play around in Photoshop.
One day, I'll use the real brushes :))

I hope you'll have a great start in coming up weekend!

YES, my photographs are ALL for sale. 
Go to my shops and if you like something, buy it. You'll make my day!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

BIG Brother

BIG brother is waiting in the harbor at Port Canaveral, FL

Hi my friends,
What a difference in the sizes between these two "boats", right? 
Have you ever dreamed about making a Cruise with a BIG boat like this?  :)
Thank you very much for all the nice comments from yesterdays post.
Have a wonderful day!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Quality Time Together

To spend some quality time together at the beach - or somewhere else - is necessary for a healthy relationship!

Hi my friends,
thank you for the kind comments from yesterday to my "Spider Lilly" flower. I got a lot of nice comments, a lot of visitors and one person also sent to me the following message on facebook:

Vickie wrote:
"Care of Wikipedia:  Hymenocallis (pronounced /ˌhaɪmɨnəˈkælɪs/)[1] is a genus of plants in the family Amaryllidaceae. It contains 63 species native to tropical and subtropical America. Hymenocallis are bulbous perennial herbs. The flowers have their stamens united to a characteristic corona. Hymenocallis means "beautiful membrane" in Greek, which refers to the staminal corona that connects the stalks of the stamens for a portion of their length. The plants have large spectacular flowers. Some of the species are known as varieties of "spider lilies"."
Thank you so much, dear Vickie for telling me this, now I know the exact name of my Spider Lilly flower!
I'm learning everyday something new from my dear friends :)
It's great to have such nice friends - like YOU ALL!
Have a wonderful day - and don't forget to have some quality time today with your "better half"!

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Monday Flower

I think it is a "Spider Lilly" but I'm not sure at all - does anyone knows the real, sophisticated name for this pretty flower? :))

Hi my friends,
I hope you have/had all a great start in the new week. August is almost gone, only some days left....enjoy these last days of a hot month in summer. And, yes... thank you all for those nice comments and compliments to my last post. I do appreciate every single one.
See you tomorrow!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's Weekend at the Beach

The beach is crowded with weekend tourists - captured at Cocoa Beach

Hi my friends,
Thank you very much for all your kind comments in the last two days.
You always make my day!
ENJOY your weekend and as a reminder: tomorrow I'll have my "Wordless Sunday-Special" up again. 
If you have time to stop by.... that would be nice to see you here again :))
Thanks, Susanne

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Artists can color the sky red or green....

Artists can color the sky red (or green) because they know it's blue. 
Those of us who aren't artists must color things the way they really are or people might think we're stupid.
~Jules Feiffer~

Hi my friends,
I was two days away from blogging for personal reasons - but I'm back again. 
If you have been here and looking for me, I hope it was not to much disappointing, not to see anything posted from me. 
Thank you so much for your loyal visit. :))
I wish you a wonderful day!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Living in the here and now...

The meaning of life is not to be discovered only after death in some hidden, mysterious realm; on the contrary, it can be found by eating the succulent fruit of the Tree of Life and by living in the here and now as fully and creatively as we can.
~Paul Kurtz~
Hi my friends,
I wish you all a great start in this new week, make it to the best one!
Thank you also for all the kind comments and compliments to all my posts from the last week.
Nice to see you visiting again!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Reading a love letter...

There is only one situation I can think of in which men and women make an effort to read better than they usually do. It is when they are in love and reading a love letter.
~Mortimer Adler~

Hi my friends,

It's weekend again! I wish you all a good one, a happy one, filled with a lot of sunshine and thousands of shooting stars tonight. If you see some, don't forget to make your wish!!!

Tomorrow I'll have "My Wordless Sunday" photo up and running - come back to see it :))
Have a wonderful day!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sweet Memories...

All of us have moments in our childhood where we come alive for the first time. And we go back to those moments and think, This is when I became myself.
~Rita Dove~

Hi my friends,

All your kind comments yesterday made my day. I'm glad you liked my post and the song with Bing Crosby!
I have nothing interesting to say today. Maybe this: Take special care today, because it's Friday the 13th!!!!! Look out for all those black cats running over the street....*smile*....

Happy Weekend!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Don't Fence Me In....

Don't Fence Me In
~by Bing Crosby~

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above,
Don't fence me in.
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love,
Don't fence me in.
Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze,
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees,
Send me off forever but I ask you please,
Don't fence me in.

Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the western skies.
On my Cayuse, let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise.

I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
And gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
And I can't look at hovels and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in. 

Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies,
Don't fence me in.
Let me ride through the wide open country that I love,
Don't fence me in.
Let me be by myself in the evenin' breeze
And listen to the murmur of the cottonwood trees
Send me off forever but I ask you please,
Don't fence me in

Just turn me loose, let me straddle my old saddle
Underneath the western skies
On my Cayuse, let me wander over yonder
Till I see the mountains rise.
Ba boo ba ba boo.

I want to ride to the ridge where the west commences
And gaze at the moon till I lose my senses
And I can't look at hobbles and I can't stand fences
Don't fence me in.
Poppa, don't you fence me in 
Enjoy the song!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Miniature Sand Dunes

All love that has not friendship for its base, is like a mansion built upon the sand.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox~


Hi my friends,

The photo above was made two days ago in the evening at the beach, close where I'm living. I've captured the last long sunbeams over the miniature sand dunes. I like this light situations, they are warm and so soft looking. It's the best time of the day for shooting photos, since I can't get up that early in the mornings :))

I hope you enjoy the picture!
Have a wonderful day,

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Down by the Riverside at Sunset Time

The rich fire of the orange sunset gloriously announces the coming night.

Hi my friends,
Thanks again for all the kind compliments on my blog from yesterday!
This sunset photo (above) was made at the Banana River, at the Space Coast in Florida.
it was quiet a spectacular one, don't you think?
I wish you all a wonderful day or evening, whatever time zone you are in.

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Monday, August 9, 2010

If your mind isn't clouded....

Ten thousand flowers in spring

the moon in autumn, 
a cool breeze in summer, 
snow in winter. 
If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things, this are the best seasons of your life. 

 Hi my friends,
Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments to my wordless photo from yesterday. I do very much appreciate your compliments.
It's Monday, anew week in front of you. I wish it will be a good one for all of us!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Don't hurt the heart of another!

The most heinous sin is to hurt the heart of another.

Hi my friends,
Thank you so much for all the kind comments from yesterday.
Tomorrow will be "My Wordless Sunday" photo posted - come back and see me again!
I wish you all a wonderful Saturday - enjoy your weekend!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Japanese Influence

A round egg can be made square according to how you cut it; words would be harsh 
according to how you speak them.
Hi my friends,
Many thanks to you for all the nice comments from yesterday "swirl" picture what looked more
like a small "super nova"...LOL...right?
I wish you all a wonderful week - weekend is here again, yeah! ;)

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I open my eyes...

At any given moment, I open my eyes and exist. 
And before that,
during all eternity, what was there? Nothing.

Hi my friends,
I love this proverb from Basho, a ZEN master. I have a collection from his sayings and they are all so simple, so deep in thoughts and so true. I hope you like it too.
Thank you for all the kind comments yesterday - you all made my day :)
Have a nice Thursday!

my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:
European Fans buy my photography here:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sitting peacefully - doing nothing...

Sitting peacefully doing nothing Spring comes and the grass grows all by itself.
~ZEN proverb~

Hi my friends,
Thank you for the comments to my post yesterday. Glad you liked it :))
Have a wonderful Wednesday, enjoy the view above to Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

To avoid criticism...

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.
~Chinese proverb~

Hi my friends,
How do you like my today's thought provocative post? ;)
Thanks for all the comments yesterday. Hope to see you back tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Beach Sunset, FL

The quieter you become, the more you can hear.
~Yasutani Roshi~

Hi my friends,
I hope you had today a good start in the new week, it's August already. 7 months of this year are already gone, yesterday is already past time. In this case and point of view: I wish you a good future...*smile*....
Thank you so much for all the kind comments and compliments.

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here

My European Fans buy my photography here: