Friday, October 29, 2010

Crane Flower or the Bird of Paradise Flower

Bird of paradise flower - captured in San Diego CA

Birds of Paradise, 
also known as Crane flowers are one of the most beautiful Exotic Flowers. Birds of Paradise are native to South Africa. Birds of Paradise bloom from September through May.
The flowers of the Birds of Paradise resemble a brightly colored bird in flight and so the name Birds of Paradise.

Hi my friends,
Thank you so much for all those kind comments in my last post.
For today I have a pretty Crane Flower for you, it is better known as the Bird of Paradise.

Yeah, weekend is here, soon - and I wish you a wonderful one. Make it to your best!

All my CALENDARS 2011 are available to buy here: 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

All the benches I sat before...

A throne is only a bench covered with velvet.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Hi my friends,
Napoleon B' was a wise man too :))
Thanks for all your wonderful comments and nice compliments to my post yesterday. And because it was so nice to read your words, I stick with benches today too - to make you think, I like them so much...*smile*... and I do, really :)) I do love to photograph benches, I could fill a book with photos of benches only.

Let me know if you like these ones too, o.k...? 
oh, by the way: they were captured in pretty Charleston!
Have a nice day!
It's Calendar 2011 time!!!! You know by now WHERE to get them and HOW to get them, right???
NO...???? o.k.... have a look in the right colums on my blog >>>> YES, there!!! :))
With a purchase you'll make my day - and someone else happy too!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Waiting for ever....

"Think of all those empty benches in winter, waiting for no one."
 Bench in the park in autumn colors - I call this photo: "Waiting for ever"

Hi my friends,
thank you so much for all the wonderful comments to my post yesterday! 
How do you like this one above?

I wish you a wonderful Tuesday!

All my CALENDARS 2011 are ready for you!
Click in the links in the right column of this blog and you'll guided directly to the Calendar you like! 
Make someone happy - and me too...*smile*... Thank you!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Shape your future!

Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.
~Robert H. Schuller~
Hi my friends,
Purple color for Monday and a quote I like!
I wish you a great start in this new week - and thank you for all the wonderful comments yesterday!.

It's CALENDAR time!!! Click in the links in the right column and you can buy them there!
Thanks,  and you will make my day :))

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Florida Colors

In photography there are no shadows that cannot be illuminated.
August Sander
Hi my friends,
today I have finally time again to post something for you - I hope you'll like it.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments on my posts in the last days.
Wish you a nice weekend - and tomorrow is my "Wordless Sunday" again. 
Don't miss it! :))

It's CALENDAR 2011 time again!!
In the right column on my blog you can click on any of them - and buy one right there
Make someone happy and you'll make me too :)) 
Thank you!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Love the heart that hurts you...

Love the heart that hurts you, but never hurt the heart that loves you.
Hi my friends,
Thank you for all your visits to my blog and the kind comment.
I wish you a joyful day!

It's CALENDAR time, yes! 
And you can buy ALL my CALENDARS 2011 here on my blog. ....How? 
Do you see all the links in the right column there? 
Click on them and you'll guided directly to my NEW CALENDARS 2011. 
You can buy them there, it's easy and it's secure.

Make someone a nice gift - or buy it for you, hang them up in your office 
and tell everybody where you get them from, o.k.? :)) 
You will make my day for sure! THANK YOU!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Distance not only gives nostalgia, but perspective, and maybe objectivity.
Robert Morgan
Hi my friends,
Thanks for liking my post from yesterday - what about this one? 
I like the quote too...

Have a wonderful day!

Yes, my new CALENDARS 2011 are available to buy - make someone happy!
Click in the links in the right column >>> yes, there  :)) you can buy them directly there.

My friends and fans in Europe: scroll down a little bit more and there you'll buy the new CALENDARS, o.k.? 
Meine Freunde in Europa kaufen meine neuen KALENDER 2011 hier: 
klicke in die Links (deutscher Text!) in der rechten Kolonne auf meinem Blog, o.k.? 
Du kannst sie direkt von dort beziehen!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Spanish Colonial Revival Style

The Spanish Colonial Revival Style 
was a United States architectural stylistic movement that came about in the early 20th century, starting in California and Florida as a regional expression related to history, environment, and nostalgia. The Spanish Colonial Revival Style was also influenced by the opening of the Panama Canal and the overwhelming success of the novel Ramona set in Alta California. Based on the Spanish Colonial architecture from the Spanish colonization of the Americas, the Spanish Colonial Revival style updated these forms and detailing for a new century and culture.
The Panama-California Exposition of 1915 in San Diego, with lead architect Bertram Goodhue, is credited with creating national attention for the aesthetic popularity of this style.
The Spanish Colonial Revival movement enjoyed its greatest popularity between 1915 and 1931 and was most often exhibited in single-level detached houses and small commercial buildings.

Hi my friends,
I love these Spanish style architectures down here in Florida. 
If you're interested to learn more about, click on the link above.

 The photograph was made in the pretty picturesque Village of Cocoa at the Space Coast. 
I love that place :))
Thank you also for all the nice comments to my post yesterday. 
Have y'all a great start in the new week!

My New CALENDARS 2011 are available to buy! 
Click the LINKS in the right column on my blog and you can buy them directly there!

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography and CALENDARS 2011 here:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My Wordless Sunday # 38

I have created new Calendars 2011 - all the links are available in the right column! 
Go and have a look, if you like it, buy one - it makes a nice gift.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Oak sleeps in the Acorn

 The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. 
The oak sleeps in the ACORN, 
the bird waits in the egg, 
and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs. 
Dreams are the seedlings of realities.
Hi my friends,
thanks for liking my post from yesterday so much!
It's Friday again - time is flying, it's weekend soon.
I wish you a great, relaxed weekend. Enjoy these beautiful days of fall!

Have a look to my photographic work here:
@ - go and see also my NEW CALENDARS 2011!!!

Meine 3 neuen KALENDER 2011 sind da!!!
ZEN - Kalender 2011 und 2 mehr.... 
klick in den Link...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Everybody knows...

Street decoration in Cocoa Village - I love this idea how they tell people what time of the year it is :)

Only the knife knows what goes on in the heart of a pumpkin.
Simone Schwarz-Bart

Natural goodies from the Farmer's Market in the village

Everybody know, it's fall.... it's pumpkin time! 
Pie, pie, pie....I love pie!

Hi my friends,
We took a ride to Cocoa Village the last day and it was worth it. There was a Farmer's Market and a lot of pretty scenes. The village itself is a "bijoux" - a gem! I'll show you some pictures about later.

Thank you ALL for your wonderful comments to my post(s).

It's CALENDAR 2011 time again!!!!!!

ALL My NEW CALENDARS 2011 are available to buy here. 
Scroll down to “ALL CALENDARS”

Meine Kalender 2011 sind zu beziehen auf “myGall” in Deutschland:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Delicious Autumn!

Delicious autumn! 
My very soul is wedded to it, 
and if I were a bird 
I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
George Eliot
Hi my friends,
Thanks for all your kind comments to my Sunday post. 
I had no time yesterday to post something, to much other stuff was going on here and blogging was not my first decision - but today, it is!
I wish you all a wonderful day!

I have created some NEW CALENDARS 2011
they make a nice Christmas gift, don't you think?
Now, they are all available to buy. 

My friends and fans in America buy it here: 

My European friends and fans buy my calendars here:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Make your mental blue print

Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. 
Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.
Robert Collier
Hi my friends,
I like this quote very much and it's true. 
Everything in life begins with a mental blueprint. 
Let's start today!

Thank you for all your kind comments, they are like always, very much appreciated.

I have created some NEW CALENDARS 2011 - they make a nice Christmas gift, don't you think? 
Now, they are all available to buy too!

My friends and fans in America buy it here:

My European friends and fans buy my calendars here:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Little Bird

A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.

Hi my friends,
I'm so glad, so many of you liked my post yesterday. 
I get told that the title was maybe wrong chosen for that post, it should have been 
named as: "deep SURF fishing".
Well, I'm learning every day something new....*smile*....
A big "thank you" to my beloved husband, he is still my best teacher - in everything :))

I hope you like my "little bird" post. I met this happy and very loud singing little guy last Sunday
at the shores to the Indian River in Sebastian, FL.

I wish you a wonderful day!

oh, btw... my NEW CALENDARS 2011 are available here:

My Europeean Fans buy my photography here:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Deep Sea Fishing

He who wants to go fishing must not be afraid of the water.
Hi my friends,
All your comments from yesterday were very appreciated, thank you so much for your kind words, it always means a lot to me.
Today's picture is a fisherman in deep sea waters, trying to catch something in those big waves. I can tell you: unfortunately, he was not successful at all. 
I have captured this guy recently somewhere at the beaches here at the Space Coast in Florida. 
And I like the matching proverb too - not only because it's a Hungarian saying, because I know that Hungarians are a smart population. :))
I hope you like today's post too and have a happy day!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Safety and enjoyment of Florida's public beaches

The red flag - captured at the Space Coast, FL

The safety and enjoyment of Florida’s public beaches 
are affected by changes in tide and surf conditions. To minimize the risks of drowning or serious injury, the Florida Coastal Management Program worked with the Florida Beach Patrol Chiefs Association, the United States Lifesaving Association (USLA), and the International Life Saving Federation to develop a uniform warning flag program for use by Florida’s beachfront communities.

Florida’s uniform Beach Warning Flags come in four colors
red, yellow, green and purple, plus a second red
imprinted with a Do-Not Swim Logo. The flags are accompanied by interpretive signs that explain the meaning of each color. While beach warning flags provide general warnings of overall surf conditions, they do not specifically advise the public of the presence of rip currents.

Why does Florida need a uniform warning flag system?
Many residents and visitors travel to different parts of the state to enjoy Florida's wonderful public beaches, and many beach communitiespost warning flags. Differences in flag colors, sizes and symbols from location-to location can confuse beach visitors and decrease the effectiveness of community efforts to improve public safety.

Beach Warning Flags are 29.25" high x 39" wide.
The Beach Warning Flag Interpretive Signs explain the meaning of each flag 
used in the warning program:

*   Red Flags with a “Do Not Swim” Logo: Water Closed to Public
*   Solid Red Flags: High Hazard- High Surf and/or Strong Currents
*   Yellow Flags: Medium Hazard - Moderate Surf and/or Currents
*   Green Flags: Low Hazard - Calm Conditions, Exercise Caution

*   Purple Flags: Dangerous Marine Life

Hi my friends,
today a little bit of education about "rip currents" at the beaches in Florida. 
If you like to learn more, just Google this words and you'll get a lot of interesting articles and pages to read. 
It's always good to be informed well about the danger of the ocean.
The photo shows the flag on one of those dangerous rip current beaches in FL.

Thank you very much for your kind comments to my "Wordless Sunday" post yesterday.
I'm happy you liked it!
I wish you a good start in this coming new week - make it to one of your best!

And don't forget: I'm selling my photography too, here:

My European Fans buy my photography here:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge

We took a trip to Pelican Island, Sebastian, FL

Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge 

is a United States National Wildlife Refuge located just off the western coast of Orchid Island in the Indian River Lagoon east of Sebastian, Florida. The refuge consists of a 3-acre (12,000 m2) island that includes an additional 2.5 acres (10,000 m2) of surrounding water and is located off the east coast of Florida of the Indian River Lagoon. Established by an executive order of President Theodore Roosevelt on March 14, 1903, Pelican Island was the first national wildlife refuge in the United States. It was created to protect egrets and other birds from extinction by plume hunters.

Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge holds hundreds of species of animals including birds, fish, plants, and mammals. The wetlands of Pelican Island are a major ecological system supporting the huge biological diversity. Fifteen federally listed threatened and endangered species live in Pelican Island NWR and around Indian River Lagoon. Of the endangered species, West Indian Manatees and sea turtles occupy parts of the lagoon. Around the lagoon in the refuge are two Wood Stork refuges. These birds along with other wading birds that nest on the island thrive on the tremendous fish population. Pelican Island is home to many nesting birds including Brown Pelicans, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Reddish Egrets, Great Blue Heron, Little Blue Heron, Tricolored Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron, American White Ibis, Glossy Ibis, Double-crested Cormorant, Anhinga, and American Oystercatcher.

Thanks for all the kind comments, my friends :)
Tomorrow will be my Wordless Sunday again - stay tuned...

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography here: