Monday, January 31, 2011

Kelly Slater - Surf World Champion

A sculpture shows Kelly Slater on his bord

 In honor of Kelly Slater beside the sculpture

Inside of the Shop with all the fantastic Surfboards 
Front view of the shop

The entrance to the shop

Hi my friends,
In one of my last posts I promised you to bring some photos more of the Ron Jon Surf Shop and here they are: pictures also of a sculpture in front of Ron Jon Shop that shows the world famous Surf Champion KELLY  SLATER, born in Cocoa Beach. He holds the record for the most World Championship Tour (WCT) with 39 wins. To read more about this famous surfer guy click here.

I want also thank you for the kind comments to my post yesterday.
I wish you a great start in this new week.
~Susanne        Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Wordless Sunday # 5

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!        Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Friday, January 28, 2011

Architecture is...

Architecture is basically a container of something.
I hope they will enjoy not so much the teacup, but the tea.
Yoshio Taniguchi
Hi my friends,
Thank you so much for your kind comments to my last post about the Agave plant. All your comments here and on Facebook are very much appreciated. I'm so happy so many of you liked that post!
This pictures above is an architectural detail shot of Ron Jon Surf-Shop in Cocoa Beach. 
Enjoy the creative lines and shapes.It's an eye catching landmark in Coco Beach, FL. You'll not miss it. 
I'll bring later some pictures more from here, and also from the fantastic and fun inside, where all the surfers go to buy their sport tools. Next time, go inside and have a look!

I wish you a wonderful start in the weekend - soon!
~Susanne        Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Agave Tequilana

Agave Tequilana in an artistic color - captured in Casa GrandeAZ

Agave tequilana,
commonly called blue agave, tequila agave, mezcal or maguey is an agave plant that is an important economic product of Jalisco, Mexico, due to its role as the base ingredient of tequila, a popular distilled spirit. The high production of sugars—mostly in the form of fructose—in the core of this plant, are the most important element for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.
The tequila agave is a native of Jalisco, Mexico. The tequila agave favors high altitudes of more than 1,500 meters and grows in rich and sandy soils. While commercial and wild agaves have different life cycles, both grow into large succulents, with spiky fleshy leaves, that can reach over two meters in height. Wild Agaves, however, sprout a shoot when about five years old, that can grow an additional five meters and are topped with yellow flowers.

The flowers are pollinated by a native bat (Leptonycteris nivalis) and produce several thousand seeds per plant. The plant then dies. The shoots are removed when about a year old from commercial plants to allow the heart to grow larger. The plants are then reproduced by planting these shoots; this has led to a considerable loss of genetic diversity in cultivated blue agave.

It is rare for one kept as a houseplant to flower; nevertheless, a fifty year old blue agave in Boston grew a 10 m (30 ft) stalk requiring a hole in the greenhouse roof and flowered in the summer of 2006.

Tequila is produced by removing the heart of the plant in its twelfth year. Normally weighing between 35–90 kg (77–198 lb). This heart is stripped of its leaves and heated to remove the sap, which is fermented and distilled. Other beverages like mezcal and pulque are also produced from blue and other agaves by different methods (though still using the sap) and are regarded as more traditional.

Researchers from Mexico's University of Guadalajara believe blue agave contains compounds that may be useful in carrying drugs to the intestines to treat diseases, such as Crohn's disease and colitis.

I hope you'll enjoy the read! Thank you foe all the comments on my last post!
Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Monday, January 24, 2011

There is a spiritual hunger in the world...

There is a spiritual hunger in the world today - and it cannot be satisfied by better cars on longer credit terms.
Adlai E. Stevenson
Hi my friends,
it's a fast car, it's a Chevy Camaro SS - this as a info for all the people who are interested in cars. 
I just like to photograph them :)
Thank you for all the kind comments, my friends. And, yes, my love is back home again - and I'm happy for him and for me. Life has always some surprises ready for us, right? Good ones and not so good ones!

I wish you all only good surprises in your life!
Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Wordless Sunday # 4

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Friday, January 21, 2011

Looking for something good

When birds burp, it must taste like bugs.
Bill Watterson

Hi my friends,
I have no idea what kind of bird this is. He looked for me like a big Ibis, my husband thought it's somewhat like a stork.... do you know the name of this species? :))
Thank you for the comments on my last post, they are all very much appreciated.
After 2 days stay in the hospital, I hope I can bring hubby back home today. We are waiting for the results of the Cardiologist... cross your fingers for us!
I wish you a good start in the weekend! 
See you on Sunday for my "wordless photo" again, right? :)
~Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The rising sun can dispel the darkness...

The rising sun can dispel the darkness of night, but it cannot banish the blackness of malice, hatred, bigotry, and selfishness from the hearts of humanity.
David O. McKay
Hi my friends,
Thank you ALL so much for the wonderful comments to my last "fish" post. 
I appreciate also all the new faces visiting my blog and a special thank to Linda Ellerbee who is the creator of that quote I've used yesterday. Thank you Linda for your encouraging words to my post! It's a great honor for me to get a comment from the author herself.

I wish you all a sunny day!
~Susanne        Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind       Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Monday, January 17, 2011

If you believe in your heart...

If you believe in your heart that you are right, you must fight with all your might to do it your way. 
Only dead fish swim with the stream all the time.
Linda Ellerbee
Hi my friends,
Thank you for the kind comments yesterday, I do very much appreciate it!
I love this quote, it's one of my all time favorites. :))
A new week is arrived, new adventures are waiting for you. I wish you only good experiences!
~Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #3 in 2011

Have a wonderful Sunday
Schoenen Sonntag allerseits
Buona Domenica per tutti
Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche
Szep vasarnapot kivanom!        Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Friday, January 14, 2011

There are no rules...

There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
 Hi my friends,
Thank you for all the comments to my last post.
It's Friday again and we arrived already in the mid of January. 
Time is flying by - it seems it's faster almost than last

Sunday I'll bring my "wordless Sunday" photo again, come back to enjoy my picture for you.
Have a wonderful day!
~Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind     Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Is the world now up-side-down - or what?

Is the world now up-side-down...or what???

Hi my friends,
Thank you so much for commenting on my last post, I appreciate every one of you!
Do you like this photo? 
It shows an unusual angel or also called POV. 
But don't worry, nothing is up-side-down in your world! 
It's just the artist freedom to capture, to produce and to present his art in his own way.
(Cruisship "The Norwegian Sun" is leaving Port Canaveral)

I wish you a NOT to much up-side-down world today! Take it easy and I'll see ya'!
~Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind     Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happiness is a summer breeze...

"Happiness is a summer breeze, sand between your toes, and your best friend by your side." 

Hi my friend,
This photo was made at the beach on New years Day - and I like the quote too.
Thank you so much for all your kind comments from my Sunday post!
I have not to much to say today.... Yep, sometimes I can be pretty boring too....LOL... :)
But, I wish you a great start in the new week, make it to a good one!
~Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind     Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - # 2 in 2011

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti  - 
Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!        Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

Friday, January 7, 2011

The umbrellas was made for....

The umbrella was made for rainy days, the white man uses it for the sun.

Hi my friends,

This photo was made on new years day at the beach, before I got sick. I guess the people with those umbrellas moved back into the dunes because of the strong wind we had directly at the shore. These umbrellas were a nice colorful addition to my shot.

Yesterday I felt better than I do today - I really hope it will be over soon with this annoying flu. It blocks me from being creative and from doing productive work. What's up....everything will be fine one day, I have to be patience... one day it will be over!

Thank you all for all your good wishes, also on facebook! I do appreciate your words and comments also in the new year, my friends!

Have a wonderful day!
~Susanne       Dave's paintings on FAA      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind     Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - # 1 in 2011

 Also in 2011 I will post my "Wordless Sunday Photo" on my blog. I hope you'll ENJOY it!     Dave's paintings on FAA    My photography on FAA   My Photography on RedBubble and still some Calendars 2011 available    David's paintings and my photography on ImageKind    Meine Fans in Europa kaufen meine Werke hier auf myGall