Saturday, November 28, 2009

This is my post #1111

Look at this photo: Are we back in time? I have captured this picture somewhere in a off road valley in Utah. I'm wondering where these people are going and what kind of lifestyle do they have? You can photograph a lot of pictures "back in time" like this one is, even in today's modern America! And that was sometimes almost unbelievable, to see that on my recent travels across America.

Hi my friends,

this is my post #1111.... I like the number...*smile*... easy to remember and easy to write.
Thank you for all the kind comments to my last two posts, they are very much appreciated, as always. Come back tomorrow again. Good old friends know by now that there will be "My Wordless Sunday" picture online, right? :)

See you all....?

Please don't forget to check out my shop, because I know, my Calendars 2010 are a wonderful gift to give for someone you love, or for a good friend or just to pep up the gray walls in your office! Thank you!

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