Friday, December 31, 2010


A Collage of "My Best of 2010" - these are photographs I like the most, photographs that others liked very much too, photographs that were favorites for so many of you and last but not least: photographs I have sold in 2010. It was a good year in photography for me and I'm very thankful for that!

It's time to say THANK YOU to all of you for all your visits and your wonderful comments and compliments in 2010. I would love to see you coming back next year to my humbled blog again. 
I will reduce my posting to maybe max. 3 times a week, because I want to learn something new in IM and I have a very good teacher at my side, an known old Guru and Master in IM business :)) I just hope he will have enough patience with his sometimes inpatient student....*smile*....

Well, then.....HAPPY NEW YEAR my friends!!!
May all your personal wishes come true and may the people finally learn to keep PEACE on this Earth.
See you next year!
~Susanne    Dave's paintings   My photography  My photography and Calendars 2011  Dave's paintings + my photography   Meine Fans in Europa kaufen hier 

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Most Interesting Man in the World

It takes a long time to grow young.
Pablo Picasso
The most interesting man in the world - for ME - has his special day today! 
I'm happy to be a part of your life trough all these last 10 years, my Darling! 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY from my heart to yours, I love you!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Youth is happy because....

Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. 
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
Franz Kafka
Hi my friends,
Christmas is over - I hope you all had a good time celebrating. The old year is ending soon and a new one will come and hopefully bringing us only good things! Thank you for all your wonderful comments I got from you in 2010. 
I think next year I will change my blogging pattern a little bit - sometimes is doing less more effective and productive in the end and after blogging for 4 years... almost everything was told already..... I have also some other projects going on and I want to be focused more on them.
But this shouldn't stop you from visiting further my blog, o.k.? ....*smile*.... 
Have a wonderful after Christmas time!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Any Material Thing....

Any so-called material thing that you want is merely a symbol: you want it not for itself, but because it will content your spirit for the moment.

Hi my friends,
It's Christmas Day! I hope you got all your wishes nice wrapped as a gift :))
It's a wonderful lovely day in FL - a good reason to take a walk at the beach.
Have a wonderful Day of Christmas!
~Susanne (Susanne's Photography on FAA) (my Calendars 2011 and my Fine Art Photos) (mygall Germany Kalender 2011 +meine FineArt Fotos) (MyFine Art Photos + David's paintings) (David's Fine Art Paintings on FAA)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Day before Christmas

The Day Before Christmas

'Tis the day before Christmas, and all through the house
The puppies are squeaking an old rubber mouse.
The wreath which had merrily hung on the door
Is scattered in pieces all over the floor

The stockings that hung in a neat little row,
Now boast a hole in each one of the toes.
The tree was subjected to bright-eyed whims,
And now, although splendid, it's missing some limbs.

I catch them and hold them, be good I insist.
They lick me, then run off to see what they've missed.
And now as I watch them, the thought comes to me,
That theirs is the spirit that Christmas should be.

Should Children and Puppies yet show us the way,
And teach us the joy that should come with this day?
Could they bring the message that's written above,
And tell us that, most of all, Christmas is love!

Author Unknown

Are you all excited....???? :))
Have a wonderful pre-Christmas day - and thanks for all the nice comments!

My CALENDARS 2011 are still available! (Susanne's Photography on FAA) (my Calendars 2011 and my Fine Art Photos) (mygall Germany Kalender 2011 +meine FineArt Fotos) (MyFine Art Photos + David's paintings) (David's Fine Art Paintings on FAA)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Unlighted candles...

Unshared joy is an unlighted candle.

Hi my friends,

I like this quote! The candles was sent to me as a nice gift from Marina, my good friend in Germany. Thank you Marina, do you see how beautiful your candles look? :))

Christmas will be here pretty soon. I'm sure, a lot of the kids cannot wait to see their gifts. These are the days I love to remember my own childhood time when I was also waiting impatiently to open that last door with the magic number 24 on my Advent Calendar and then finally could see that big and beautiful decorated Christmas tree with all the - real - candles burning! It was always a BIG moment in my life - and a big joy! All these thoughts are bringing back only good and sweet memories to me.

I wish you a lot of good memories too!

There are still some CALENDARS 2011 left and it's never to late to give an artful gift! (Susanne's Photography on FAA) (my Calendars 2011 and my Fine Art Photos) (mygall Germany Kalender 2011 +meine FineArt Fotos) (MyFine Art Photos + David's paintings) (David's Fine Art Paintings on FAA)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

If you have knowledge....

If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.
Margaret Fuller

Hi my friends,

I have to say THANK YOU for all the kind comments to my post one day ago. I appreciate every single one. I want also say thanks for your loyalty to my blog over the year and in the last 4 years, since I'm now blogging. I have enjoyed your friendship very much. I loved to see new faces visiting and of course, I'm sad about those who never came back again. But that's how life works. People come and people go - that's fine with me. :))

This photo above is connected to the Christmas spirit what we all are in in these days, some of us are more involved, some of us less. And Christmas is coming fast... every years it seems for me, Christmas was just yesterday :))

I wish you all a great time and stay warm. It's warming up again in Florida, finally!!! yeah....!
Have a wonderful Friday and a great coming weekend.

Still looking for THAT special gift for Christmas????

Give someone you love a nice gift. Buy my art framed, printed and on Canvas - or buy one of my NEW Calendars 2011 here:

@ (Susanne's Photography on FAA)
@ (my Calendars 2011 and my Fine Art Photos)
@ (mygall Germany Kalender 2011 + meine FineArt Fotos)
@ (MyFine Art Photos + David's paintings)
@ (David's Fine Art Paintings on FAA)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ask yourself....

Captured in Silver City, New Mexico

Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth.
Ayn Rand

Hi my friends,
I hope you all stay warm and protected from the cold temperatures we have just now! Yesterday I wore the first time my winter coat and the warm closed shoes - no flip-flops anymore :)) But, for weekend it should be warmer again, the weather man says that - I hope he will be right!

I know, Christmas is just around the corner - kids can barely wait and we adults have still so much to do, we are busy like crazy with running around for the right gift. Take some time in between your rushes to relax, enjoy good music or read that book you've always wanted to read. Well.. o.k. I sound like a life coach now... I will stop my preaching... You know the best, what's good for you, right? :))

Happy Holidays.

And, if you're still searching for THAT special gift, I have the answer:

@ (Susanne's Photography on FAA)
@ (my Calendars 2011 and my Fine Art Photos)
@ (mygall Germany Kalender 2011 +meine Fine Art Fotos)
@ (MyFineArt Photos + David's paintings)
@ (David's Fine Art Paintings on FAA)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Baby, it's cold out there...!

It's cold also in Florida...
 Hi my friends,
It's cold also here in Florida! Our small electric oven is running and bearly warming up the living room :))

I simply must go - Baby, it's cold outside
The answer is no - Ooh baby, it's cold outside
This welcome has been - I'm lucky that you dropped in
So nice and warm -- Look out the window at that storm
My sister will be suspicious - Man, your lips look so delicious
My brother will be there at the door - Waves upon a tropical shore
My maiden aunt's mind is vicious - Gosh your lips look delicious
Well maybe just a half a drink more - Never such a blizzard before 

brrr.... stay warm everybody!!!

It's Christmas Time!!

Give someone you care about a nice gift. Buy my art framed, 
printed and on Canvas - or buy one of my NEW Calendars 2011 here:

@ (Susanne's Photography on FAA)
@ (my Calendars and Fine Art Photos)
@ (mygall Germany Kalenders+FineArt Fotos)
@ (ImageKind FineArt+David's paintings)
@ (David's Paintings on FAA)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010

Three things...

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth

Hi my friends,
It's T.G.I.F. again. It seems for me that the days are flying by to fast! I wish you a nice weekend and thank you for all the kind comments to my post yesterday!

Christmas Shopping can be done also here:

@ (Fine Art of America)
@ (my Calendars and Fine Art)
@ (mygall Germany Kalenders+FineArt)
@ (ImageKind FineArt)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

You're an Oldtimer....

You're an old-timer if you can remember when setting the world on fire was a figure of speech.

Hi my friends,
Nice to see you again! I had no time yesterday to post anything. Once a week I have to do also my "homework" and that means: shopping, cleaning etc. all that stuff I don't like to do... :))
Thank you very much for your kind comments and visits, I appreciate it.

I hope you like my today's photo and the quote :)
Have a wonderful Thursday everybody!

It's Christmas time, time for giving a gift to someone you care about. As you know, I have some fine art photos for sale and I believe they would make a nice gift to that special one - or why not giving a gift to your self? Decorate those walls in your office, give some colors to your life!

@ (Fine Art of America)
@ (my Calendars and Fine Art)
@ (mygall Germany Kalenders+FineArt)
@ (ImageKind FineArt+Davids Paintings)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You cannot ever be ugly

A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly.  You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.  
~Roald Dahl~

Hi my friends,
I love this quote! 
Quotes are always telling the true of meanings in life and are mirroring the good and bad things happen around you - quotes are like talking pictures.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for the comments too. Sometimes I wish, there would be some more, but that's fine with me how it is now. I know you all have a lot of things going on in these days - Christmas is just around the corner.

If you're looking for a special gift for that special someone, maybe I have the answer to it:

Happy Tuesday!

oh, I almost forget to tell you: it's only 37F in Florida, just now! brrrrr....brrrr....

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Perhaps it is because cats do not live by human patterns, do not fit themselves into prescribed behavior, that they are so united to creative people.
Andre Norton  

Hi my freinds,
I wish you all a very nice weekend - stay warm by all that cold and snow up there. 
We have very nice 62F and sunshine, like it used to be in the Sunshine State.
Thanks for all the kind comments and visits to my blog - don't forget: tomorrow is my "Wordless Sunday" again. Come back to see it :))

It's Christmas Time!!

Give someone you care a nice gift. Buy my art framed, printed and on Canvas - or buy one of my NEW Calendars 2011 here:

@ (Fine Art of America)
@ (my Calendars and Fine Art)
@ (mygall Germany Kalenders+FineArt)
@ (ImageKind FineArt)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Living at risk...

Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.
Ray Bradbury

Hi my friends,
Thank you very much for all your kind visits on my blog yesterday!
I hope you like my seagull photo. I used a post processing technique to give a simple photo a more exclusive look. The birds were captured in Sebastian, FL.

Have a wonderful Friday! Weekend is here...

It's Christmas time!

Give a nice gift to someone you care: Buy my art and the NEW Calendars 2011 here:

@ (Printed, framed and Canvas of Fine Art)
@ (my Calendars 2011 and Fine Art)
@ (mygall Germany Kalenders 2011+FineArt)
@ (ImageKind FineArt)


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photo-Swap-Thursday - #3

Hoodoo Heaven” at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah (USA)

Heather:   A couple of years ago, I took my three kids to southern Utah for a week of hiking and adventure.  Our biggest luxuries lay in the challenges, the stunning views and the freshwater we carried on our backs.  Below, I’ve posted a photo from Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah where a sudden hail storm turned a simple hike amongst the hoodoos into quite an adventure!  To read more about our experience, click the link below.

…One’s imagination can run a little wild amongst hoodoos, and each visitor’s unique vision seems to personalize the Bryce experience. My vivid childhood memories of spired castles rising above pink, red and orange people brought me back -with my own children this time. Intermittent rumbling soon lent a deeper hue to the sky as we hiked the Queen’s Garden and Navajo Trails. Eventually, I shoved the camera into our dry bag, and we raced for cover from a pelting storm!  
(click for MORE on “Hoodoo Heaven”)

Heather Dugan is a writer/photographer and voice-over/on-camera talent based in Central Ohio with clients worldwide.  A frequent traveler and lover of the outdoors, she is never without her camera and running shoes.
Her travel adventures are chronicled on "Footsteps" 
Writing samples/article links and recording demos can be found at "
Find her on Facebook here!

MY post you can see at HER blog:

Spurs as Modern Honors

Spurs for Cowboy boots - captured in Wyoming

Spurs as modern honors

Just as a medieval knight was said to have "earned his spurs", the awarding of spurs has continued in the modern era as an honor bestowed upon individuals in organizations with military heritages, and among motorcycle riders. Members of the Papal Orders of Chivalry receive gilt spurs directly from the hands of the Pope; members of the British Order of the Garter similarly receive gilt spurs from the Monarch. Inductees into the American Order of the Spur receive gold-colored (usually brass) spurs if they have earned their membership through combat, or silver-colored (usually nickel) spurs if they have not seen combat, but complete a rite of passage.

Hi my friends,

Tomorrow is my "Photo-Swap-Thursday" again and it is  already our # 3 !!

Come back tomorrow and read what my guest blogger Heather Dugan is writing and 
to see her excellent travel photo matching the text. In reverse I'll be posting on her blog  - go there also to see and to read what I have to say on her site. 
Thanks in advance  :))
Thank you also to all your kind comments and compliments and for all the "thumbs up" on Facebook
to my last post. It's great to have so many wonderful friends, like YOU!!

Buy my art and the NEW Calendars 2011 here:

@ (Fine Art of America)
@ (my Calendars and Fine Art)
@ (mygall Germany Kalenders+FineArt)
@ (ImageKind FineArt)

Monday, November 29, 2010


The poor long for riches, the rich long for heaven, but the
    wise long for a state of tranquility.

Hi my friends,
Happy Monday!!! I hope you had all a great Thanksgiving Weekend with your loved ones and friends. By us it was very quiet and relaxed.

It's raining like crazy today in the Sunshine State. 
But, we need the rain badly and that's why it's good and we are thankful for the water - it washes off our car too  :))

Thank you very much for all your wonderful comments yesterday, 
I'm happy you liked my post so much.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

If the only prayer you ever say...

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.
  ~Meister Eckhart~ 
Hi my friends,
Thank you very much for your kind comments to my post of yesterday.
Wish you all a very nice weekend - stay warm, stay safe!

Give a nice Christmas gift to someone you care  -  or pep up those gray walls in your office! 
How? Where? 
scroll down a little bit to "CALENDARS".....

Friday, November 26, 2010

There is only one day left...

There is only one day left, always starting over: it is given to us at dawn and taken away from us at dusk.
Jean-Paul Sartre
Hi my friends,
thank you for all the comments to my guest bloggers posting. They are very much appreciated.
I wish you a wonderful weekend ahead!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Photo-Swap-Thursday #2

Edge View From Horseshoe Bend

Heather: Sometimes, the view itself is the adventure… Last spring I spent a week hiking around Arizona with my oldest son. I shot this photo from my own breath-taking cliff’s edge position at Horse Shoe Bend in Page, Arizona where there are no barriers except your own common sense.

Sunset photos of Horseshoe Bend near Page, Arizona take a bit of planning.  Bursting, changing light and a cliff side tripod perch are just a couple of the challenges.  Wind and blowing sand can make the experience even more interesting…”

More photos, audio and the full story can be found here: Photo’s Edge

Heather Dugan is a writer/photographer and voice-over/on-camera talent based in Central Ohio with clients worldwide. A frequent traveler and lover of the outdoors, she is never without her camera and running shoes.

Her travel adventures are chronicled on "Footsteps"
Writing samples/article links and recording demos can be found at "

Where are they going to?

Where are they going...???

Hi my friends,
thanks for all the wonderful comments yesterday - you all made my day with your words!

Tomorrow is not only Thanksgiving Day - it is also my "Photo-Swap-Thursday". 
Heather and I have decided to do a post swap together and we hope you'll find still the time to have a look to our both post after all that turkey and smashed potatoes - and not to forget all the yummy pies! 
Reading our blogs is a great excercice....LOL...

HAPPY THANKSGIVINGS DAY to all of you and see ya' tomorrow here!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Lighthouse on Cape Canaveral

The current Cape Canaveral Light is not the first lighthouse on Cape Canaveral

A 60-foot (18 m) tall brick structure was built on the Cape in 1848. The light consisted of 15 lamps each with a 21-inch (530 mm) reflector. The first lighthouse keeper left the lighthouse during a Seminole War scare, and refused to return to his post. Sailors heavily criticized the lighthouse, with complaints that the light was too weak and too low to be seen before ships were on the reefs near the Cape. the government contracted for construction of a new lighthouse in 1860, but the start of the American Civil War stopped work. The lamps and mechanism for the light were removed from the lighthouse and buried in the lighthouse keeper's orange grove to protect them from Federal raids.

At the end of the war construction resumed on the lighthouse. It was completed in 1868, receiving a first-order Fresnel lens. Erosion of the shoreline threatened the lighthouse, and the United States Congress appropriated funds to move the lighthouse inland. The old (1848) was blown up and the rubble used to prepare a foundation of the lighthouse. The cast-iron tower was disassembled, moved and reassembled at the new location. The move took 18 months, and the lighthouse was re-lit at its new location in 1894.

The Lighthouse today

When rockets began launching from the Cape in the early 1950s, all residents except the lighthouse keeper were relocated to other areas. In 1954, the need for a keeper to live nearby was eliminated by automating the light. Soon after, the keeper's homes were demolished. After it was discovered that strong vibrations that accompany launches were damaging the first-order Fresnel lens, it was removed in 1993 and placed on display in a museum at the Ponce de Leon Inlet Light. Since toxic lead paint was used to paint the lighthouse, in 1995, a restoration project began to sand blast the harmful paint off.

Ownership of the lighthouse was transferred to the United States Air Force in 2000 (the lighthouse is located inside the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station). 
It is the only fully operational lighthouse owned by the United States Air Force.

In 2003, the oil house was restored to its original (1890s) state (strong winds had damaged the roof in the 1970s and a window was added in the early 1900s). In 2006, another project restored the lantern room and the structure was repainted using modern materials. Ground sample tests, however, still show a very high level of lead in the soil around the tower. As a result, visitors are not allowed within fifty yards of the base until it is cleaned up.
The Cape Canaveral Lighthouse Foundation and volunteers are instrumental in restoration projects and in interpreting the lighthouse history. The Foundation has a website at
Hi my friends,
I hope you find this interesting. The picture above of the lighthouse I made some days ago, the text is from Wikipedia. If interested to read more go to their site.

Thanks also for all your wonderful comments and compliments to my last post.
Next Thursday is "Photo-swap-Thursday" again, keep it in mind :))
Have a wonderful Tuesday!

A little bit of self promotion now:

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here:

My European Fans buy my photography and CALENDARS 2011 here:

Monday, November 22, 2010

Looking trough the gates of Heaven

Sunsets are so beautiful that they almost seem as if we were looking through the gates of Heaven.
John Lubbock


Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.
Henry Rollins

Hi my friends,

Two days ago we had such a wonderful sunset at the river - and happily I had my camera with me to get these two shots above - I hope you'll enjoy. Sunsets are always magical to me.
And yesterday, there was such a wonderful, almost double rainbow against the BLACK sky to the ocean
and you won't believe it,  I had NO camera with me!! :(

Thank you for the kind comment(s) from yesterdays "My Wordless Sunday" post!
Happy Monday everyone!

All my CALENDARS 2011 are available to buy here:  

Christmas Gifts you can order any times over these links:
@ Fine Art Photography
My Fans in Europe buy my Photography here: