Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Unlighted candles...

Unshared joy is an unlighted candle.

Hi my friends,

I like this quote! The candles was sent to me as a nice gift from Marina, my good friend in Germany. Thank you Marina, do you see how beautiful your candles look? :))

Christmas will be here pretty soon. I'm sure, a lot of the kids cannot wait to see their gifts. These are the days I love to remember my own childhood time when I was also waiting impatiently to open that last door with the magic number 24 on my Advent Calendar and then finally could see that big and beautiful decorated Christmas tree with all the - real - candles burning! It was always a BIG moment in my life - and a big joy! All these thoughts are bringing back only good and sweet memories to me.

I wish you a lot of good memories too!

There are still some CALENDARS 2011 left and it's never to late to give an artful gift! (Susanne's Photography on FAA) (my Calendars 2011 and my Fine Art Photos) (mygall Germany Kalender 2011 +meine FineArt Fotos) (MyFine Art Photos + David's paintings) (David's Fine Art Paintings on FAA)

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