Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Nature's Graffiti

Weeds are nature's graffiti.  
Hi my friends,
A happy day and a good morning to all of you! Thanks for the wonderful comments from yesterday, I appreciate and enjoy every one of them.

This will be soon one of my last posts, maybe one or two more are planned, but after that you have to bear with me for a little while. We are moving out to the coast, closer to the water and we are very excited about our new home! 
Every one of us knows how much work it is to move the entire household - and it's still nothing packed till today. I have today to buy some boxes more for all that "stuff" and general in most cases one has anyway to much "stuff", right? 
My slogan is: Get rid of stuff - Free your mind. :))

Stay tuned with me and see you tomorrow!

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