Monday, November 15, 2010

Are you talking to me....???

Are you talking to me.......??????

Hi my friends,
thanks for all the nice and wonderful comments yesterday!

I promised you a little surprise some days ago, do you remember? 
I will have from now on every Thursday a GUEST BLOGGER. 
She's a wonderful blog friend of mine and we've decided to do this guest blogging together
and give it a try the first time on coming Thursday. 

So, then: DON'T miss out coming next Thursday!!!! 
She will write something and show you pictures about her adventurous outdoor activities and her travels allover in the U.S. and so much more. I'm sure, it will be interesting and big fun to read her posts!
And in reverse, I'll be a guest blogger on her site with my photography. 

Keep this in mind and come back every Thursday, and to visit BOTH blogs, o.k.? 

If anyone of you is interested to do the same with me, I have one "seat" left for the right candidate. 
Just let me know, o.k.! :))
Have a wonderful week.

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