Monday, February 21, 2011

The Pelicans are back!

The pelicans are migrating and took over "The rocks" in Jetty Park, at Cape Canaveral

Get out of my way, that was my spot last year and it's my spot this year also!

Hi my friends,
The white pelicans are migrating and back. Taking over "The Rocks" out in Jetty Park at the Cape Canaveral shores. I have captured some of them and it's fun to watch their cleaning rituals.

A large flock of White Pelicans winter also in the Indian River near Scottsmoor Landing. You might see them flying and feeding anywhere on Merritt Island.

Thank you very much for all your kind comments to my "Wordless Sunday" post. 
I'm gladly appreciate them.

Wishing you a good start in the new week.
~Susanne        Dave's paintings on FAA       My photography on FAA      My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble      David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

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