Friday, March 18, 2011

A wonderful bird is the Pelican...

Pelican - captured in Jetty Park, Cape Canaveral, FL

A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His bill will hold more than his belican,
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week
But I'm damned if I see how the helican
Read more about the author Dixon Lanier Merritt here

Hi my friends,
Thank you all for your kind comments and compliments to my last post....if they were made here or on facebook, I appreciate them all!

You would not believe it, but it was so hard to find a poem about pelicans! But I got one - the one above, and I like it, it's short and humorous. I hope you'll enjoy too.

These coming next days I will try to capture the closest full moon we have now since long time in history. I hope the "Weather Gods" will be good to us and will not cover up the whole night sky with clouds :))

Wishing you a happy Friday - weekend is just around the corner!
~Susanne      My photography on FAA     My photography and Calendars 2011 on RedBubble     David's paintings + My photography on ImageKind      Dave's paintings on FAA     Meine Europaeischen Fans kaufen meine Fotos hier auf myGall

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