Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Never look back....

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.

Hi my friends,

Never look back.... the quote is very true, but not for photographers. I get thought in art school always to take also a look back and the world presents itself to you in a maybe more interesting scenery! Try's really fun to do.

Thank you all for your kind comments to my Sunday post and thanks for coming back today. I hope you'll enjoy my humbled blog.

In less than 90 days my blog will be 6 years old and I have decided to stop it. I have other plans in blogging. I'll let you know more about when time is come - it will be very different! But until then is still some time left to show you some of my photography.

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - # 23

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Light is everywhere you go

I need no dictionary of quotations to remind me that the eyes are the windows of the soul. 

Hi my friends,
Thanks for all the friendly congrats and comments to my post yesterday. 
Do you love window shopping - like I do?
Enjoy this picture and the quote and enjoy your up coming weekend soon.

See you all on Sunday morning - here at this spot at the same time, o.k.? :-)

P.S. ..and this is now the picture I wanted to show you yesterday with my posting, but Blogger had again obviously one of his "bad days"... well then, here we are, me and my feature on the front page of BlogCatalog. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fame - Fame - Fame

Hi my friends,

Today is a special day for me! 

I got promoted on the FRONT PAGE of BlogCatalog as a VIB (Very Important Blogger). Theresa Hall, who is a staff writer for BlogCatalog wrote this Interview with me. I want to say THANK YOU again, dear Theresa, for this wonderful opportunity to be in this interview, I've enjoyed every moment of it!

The article you'll find here:  scroll down to the right corner, you'll see my picture there and the interview.

yes, it's a good and a wonderful feeling and I'm happy and thankful that YOU - my friends - like my humbled blog too and I do appreciate every one of your comments! 

Enjoy with me my little fame - Champagne will be served after 5 p.m.  :-)


For certain unknown reasons let Blogger me not post a picture - I hope you don't mind. So then, only some words today - it's a picture less post :-))

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - # 22

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Who makes us happy.....

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

Hi my friends,

It's long time since my last post, I know... 
If you were looking for me, sorry that you couldn't find me here. We had a lot to do recently and it's still going on. 
Hoping too for some more relaxing days in the near future. :-))

Wishing you a nice Thursday - and, see you here on Sunday again? 
It will be my "wordless Sunday" thing again.You know, you're always very welcome to see and to enjoy that picture with me... :-))


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Beginning of Love...

The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

Hi my friends,
Thanks for all the kind comments to my last post, last Sunday. I hope you like this one too and will be back for commenting :-)

I love this picture of a reflecting palm tree in a glass facade and I love the matching quote. It makes you think and that's great - and the quote is so true!

See you next Sunday with my "Wordless Sunday" post.
See you later.... have a nice day and weekend is coming up, yeah...

Visit my portfolio:

Friday, June 3, 2011

A few sharp lines....

In nature there are few sharp lines.

Hi my friends,

today just a short reminder, how beautiful nature can be, in shape and color.
Captured in front of our house in our new environment.

Wishing you a great Friday - weekend is here, yeah!
Sunday I'll post my "Wordless Sunday" photo again and 
come back for a short visit :))

Thanks for the kind comments to my last post, very much appreciated!
Susanne >>> My photography on FAA (Fine Art America) >>> My photography (and Calendars 2011) are on RedBubble >>> David's paintings + My photography are on ImageKind >>> Dave's fine art paintings are now on FAA >>> My European fans and friends buy my photography here. Shipping all over in Europe. The website is written in German language.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let us always meet with smile....

Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.

Hi my friends,

I'm baaaaack.......!  
I hope you all had a great time. Dave and I were very busy the last three days. 
First we were busy and after that just tired - moving is not that much fun! 
Our (old!) bones are telling that too...... :))

We are looking forward now to a new good life with way more peace in mind and relaxing moments than we had on the old place. 

Life is good, right? I hope it's that way for you too!

Sending you a BIG smile today!

Check this out: