Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Passion is universal...

Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, 
romance and art would be useless. 

Hi my friends,

I love this quote of Honore de Balzac and I loved to read all his romance stories in my teens and later on. And he knows about love and passion!

I'm wishing you a happy Wednesday and thank you for all the kind comments to my last posts.

Have a sunny day!


Visit also my portfolio and if you like something - buy something. Pep up those gray walls at your home and in your office! My artwork you'll find here:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #31

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

my portfolio:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Money won't make you happy....

Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to 
find out for themselves. 

Hi my friends,

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and all those many "thumbs up" also on facebook to my last "Wordless Sunday" post.

We are absolutely NOT looking forward to Hurricane "Irene" who is coming this way towards the Florida East Coast - and the good news are, "she" will move more far out in to the Atlantic! We will get some heavy rain, that's for sure - but nothing more. 

And rain is always welcomed in Florida.

Thanks for that!

Wishing you ALL a nice Tuesday.

Visit my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #30

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - 
Buona Domenica per tutti - 
Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - 
Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Life is a Dream...

Life is a dream for the wise, 
a game for the fool, 
a comedy for the rich, 
a tragedy for the poor. 

Hi my friends,

I had some "turbulence" in the last past days and no time to post anything. 
But today we are back to "normal" life again, happily and I'm thankful for that. 
The picture of this amazing sunset was captured from the Hospital bed where hubby spent some days - but he is fine again - don't worry and of course, I'm happy to have him back again! :-)

I'm wishing you a great coming up weekend and I do hope to see you 
on my "Sunday Special", right here on this spot, o.k.?


Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #29

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Meine NEUEN Kalender 2012 sind da! (Klick Kalenders)

Friday, August 12, 2011

I've got big shoes to fill....

I've got big shoes to fill. This is my chance to do something. 
I have to seize the moment.

I'm wishing you all a wonderful Friday!

my USA portfolio:

Portfolio for my European fans

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


A dream you dream alone is only a dream. 
A dream you dream together is reality. 

Hi my friends,

Thank you all for stopping by and for the comments on my blog. How do you like this quote from John Lennon?

Wishing you a wonderful day.
Let the sunshine in and live your dream!


my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #28

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

my webpage:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Friday, August 5, 2011

You have enemies?

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. 

Hi my friends,
I can not tell you how much I do love this quote! 
Think about a little bit over weekend..... :-))

Thank you so much for the comments to my last posts.
Dave had a very bad day yesterday and it was not exciting at all, we spent the whole day in two emergency rooms - yes two... Today he is sleeping a lot, still recovering. I had some scary moments with him, yesterday!

Thanks for coming back to my humbled blog - I'll see you also on Sunday 
to my "wordless Sunday" photo, right? I appreciate that.

Have a nice weekend - take care to each other 
you'll never know when it's over!

my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Monday, August 1, 2011


Celebrating the Swiss National Day at the Rhine falls near Schaffhausen

Swiss National Day, August 1st

Founding of the Swiss Confederation in 1291

Since 1891, the first of August has been celebrated as Swiss National Day. The date refers to a historic alliance concluded in 1291 by the three cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden. This alliance was to become the focal point around which the Switzerland of today was built over the next 500 years.

Men from these three cantons "at the beginning of the month of August 1291" swore  eternal allegiance to one another, promising mutual help and assistance. The alliance was mainly formed against the Habsburgs, who were striving to strengthen their position in the strategic region leading to the Gotthard Pass at the time.

August 1st is celebrated exclusively within the communities; a radio or television broadcast by the President of the Swiss Confederation is the only exception to this esteemed federal principle. Communal celebrations comprise solemn words spoken by a prominent public figure from political or cultural life, accompanied by a concert or choire, gymnastic presentations, and the community singing the national anthem.

Wealthy communities or tourist offices may also sponsor a display of fireworks. Bonfires, mainly on hills and other elevated spots, commemorate the expulsion of foreign bailiffs in the fourteenth century, the news of which were spread in this manner in those days. Children carrying lighted paper lanterns roam the streets at night. Public and private buildings are decorated with national, cantonal, and community flags, and the bakers produce special bread rolls with a small Swiss flag on top. 

A special kind of celebration takes place at the Rhine Falls near Schaffhausen. From mid-nineteenth century onwards, the waterfall has been illuminated on special occasions. Since 1920, it has been illuminated regularly on August 1, and since 1966 exclusively so. On the same day, a magnificent fireworks display also attracts throngs of spectators to this special site.

A representative celebration is staged at the Rütli Meadow in the canton of Uri above Lake Lucerne. It takes place in the same place where the legendary pledge of alliance was pronounced.

To read about other regions in Switzerland how they do celebrate the National Day, click here:

P.S. And, something very important:
it's our 10th Anniversary today too - thank you Switzerland for all the fire work to our anniversary day! :-))