Friday, August 5, 2011

You have enemies?

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. 

Hi my friends,
I can not tell you how much I do love this quote! 
Think about a little bit over weekend..... :-))

Thank you so much for the comments to my last posts.
Dave had a very bad day yesterday and it was not exciting at all, we spent the whole day in two emergency rooms - yes two... Today he is sleeping a lot, still recovering. I had some scary moments with him, yesterday!

Thanks for coming back to my humbled blog - I'll see you also on Sunday 
to my "wordless Sunday" photo, right? I appreciate that.

Have a nice weekend - take care to each other 
you'll never know when it's over!

my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

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