Monday, November 30, 2009

Where will you spend your next vacations?

Your next vacation - here?

It's all emotion. But there's nothing wrong with emotion. When we are in love, we are not rational; we are emotional. When we are on vacation, we are not rational; we are emotional.

Frank Luntz

Hi my friends,

It's well known, Florida is pretty and a beautiful destination for your next vacations :)

Thank you so much for all your nice comments and compliments to my recent posts. You all make my day with your kind words.

I'm sending you all the sunshine from the Sunshine State - there will be still more than enough left for us...*smile...

Have fun - Enjoy your day!


Please don't forget to check out my shop, because I know, my Calendars 2010 are a wonderful gift to give for someone you love, or for a good friend or just to pep up the gray walls in your office! Thank you!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

This is my post #1111

Look at this photo: Are we back in time? I have captured this picture somewhere in a off road valley in Utah. I'm wondering where these people are going and what kind of lifestyle do they have? You can photograph a lot of pictures "back in time" like this one is, even in today's modern America! And that was sometimes almost unbelievable, to see that on my recent travels across America.

Hi my friends,

this is my post #1111.... I like the number...*smile*... easy to remember and easy to write.
Thank you for all the kind comments to my last two posts, they are very much appreciated, as always. Come back tomorrow again. Good old friends know by now that there will be "My Wordless Sunday" picture online, right? :)

See you all....?

Please don't forget to check out my shop, because I know, my Calendars 2010 are a wonderful gift to give for someone you love, or for a good friend or just to pep up the gray walls in your office! Thank you!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all my American Friends

We will speed the day when all of God's children,
black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles,
Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join
hands and sing ...Free at last, Free at last,
Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last.

- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Where the light is, there is also darkness

Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides.
~ Junichiro Tanizaki~

Hi my friends,

Thank you again for all your wonderful comments to my post 2 days ago.
Yep, you're reading right, I have not posted anything yesterday - I took a day off.
After 1109 posts (one almost every day since 2006) I'm getting tired posting,
to be honest to you :)

Maybe it's good to have a little creative pause of a day or two in between, so I'm not boring you to much with my "blablabla's". I hope you'll still be coming back to have a look and to enjoy!

I'm working also on other projects and for me they have more priority just now.
But, this is now not a "good bye for ever" - I'm still around!

Stay with me and don't forget me :)
Love you all!

My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available to buy here.

Monday, November 23, 2009

But the Candle is Always There...

Religion is a candle inside a multicolored lantern. Everyone looks through a particular color, but the candle is always there.
~ Mohammed Naguib ~

Hi my friends,

I love to find great quotes like this one and to combine it with one of my photographs I have in my archives. This photo was made in Santa Fe, NM on my recent travel
"Across America".

Thank you for all the kind comments again to my "Wordless Sunday" photo yesterday.
I'm glad you liked it :)

See you tomorrow, here on the same spot....

My CALENDARS 2010 are available to buy!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Don't wait to long...

Life was always a matter of waiting for the right moment to act.
~ Paulo Coelho ~

Hi my friends,
I wish you ALL a perfect weekend ahead with great activities - all that,
what you were waiting for the whole week :)

Thanks for all the comments - and I'll see you tomorrow to "My Wordless Sunday" again.

Buy my NEW CALENDARS 2010 - give it as a gift for Christmas!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Everything that ever happened is still happening. Past, present and future keep happening in the eternity which is Here and Now.
James Broughton

Hi my friends,
Thank you for all the kind comments yesterday. Here is a new quote for you to think about. Simple words with a deep philosophical meaning behind - I LOVE that!

See you again tomorrow...? :)

Buy one of my NEW CALENDARS 2010, they make a nice Christmas gift!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What are you waiting for...?

photographed on a country road in Wyoming

Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth.
~ Ayn Rand ~

Hi my friends,

I've found this quote and I think it is matching my picture well, and in addition it gives you something to think about. I wish you all a wonderful day.

I'm waiting for more visitors and comments to my blog - what are you waiting for? :)

See you tomorrow!

Make someone happy!
Buy them one of my NEW CALENDARS 2010 for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Mr Sandman, bring me a dream....

Sand sculpture at Cocoa Beach, FL

Mr. Sandman, 

bring me a dream (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Give him two lips like roses and clover (bung, bung, bung, bung)
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over.
Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
Please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream.

(scat “bung, bung, bung, bung.….)

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream
Make him the cutest that I've ever seen
Give him the word that I'm not a rover
Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over.
Sandman, I'm so alone
Don't have nobody to call my own
Please turn on your magic beam
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream.

(scat “bung, bung, bung, bung)

Mr. Sandman (male voice: “Yesss?) bring us a dream
Give him a pair of eyes with a “come-hither” gleam
Give him a lonely heart like Pagliacci
And lots of wavy hair like Liberace
Mr Sandman, someone to hold (someone to hold)
Would be so peachy before we're too old
So please turn on your magic beam
Mr Sandman, bring us, please, please, please
Mr Sandman, bring us a dream.

(scat “bung, bung, bung, bung….)

Hi my friends,

I bet, you all know the song about the Sandman, right? :)

I saw this cute sand sculpture of "Sandman" at Cocoa Beach, the same spot where I have photographed two days ago the launch of the Space Shuttle.

This is the Florida version of a Snowman from the North. His smiling face and the eyes are made with shells instead of coals and the good thing is, he don't melt in the sun :)

Thank you all for all the kind comments and compliments to my first Shuttle shots.
See'ya tomorrow!


Buy my NEW CALENDARS 2010 - They make a nice gift for Christmas!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2 Minutes of Excitement!

Dave and I went down to the beach to see the Launch of the Shuttle at Cape Canaveral and we were not the only one waiting for that spectacular event.

And then... wow, there was the Shuttle already, high up in the sky
before I even could point and focus my camera to the right spot.
I was almost to late with clicking the shutter :)

O.M.G., that was quiet the most exciting 2 minutes in my life - and I almost missed it...LOL...

And a full view of the whole scenery
btw, all the pics are click able to see it a little bit bigger, so you get the idea what I try to show you here :)

Can you see that big white puffy cloud on the horizon? It looks almost like an atomic blast, but that was THE spot where the Shuttle started

And there were also kids, I guess, they don't cared to much about the Shuttle, about space and flying high up to the stars :)

Hi my friends,

It was an experience, it was a very short and intense experience with this space-stuff!
I admit, I was to slow and I have pointed my camera first in the wrong direction.

I'm a newbie...hey.. what's up...? Coming from the "good old country", how the heck should I have photographic experience with catching Shuttles on a digital media? ...LOL...
Anyway, however....there will be more launches coming up next year
and I will be there again and I'll be better, I promise!...LOL...

P.S. if you want to see the REAL pictures, click here

Thanks for all your comments, love you all! :)

And now, back to Earth:
Buy my NEW CALENDARS 2010 - make someone happy for Christmas!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Grand Tetons in Wyoming

The Grand Tetons National Park in Wyoming

Hi my friends,

The photo of "The Grand Tetons" was made on my recent travel "Across America". I'm still reviewing my many hundreds of photos from my 8 month long travel and I love to remember all the pretty places I have seen during that time. And these majestic mountains are one of those places!

Today at 2.28 p.m. was the launch of the Space Shuttle at Cape Canaveral. David and I went down to the beach to see it from there. Tomorrow, I'll show you some of the pictures I took. Stay with me, come back again tomorrow - here, on the same spot, at the same time...LOL...

Thank you also for all the comments to my photo without words from yesterday, I very much appreciate your words.

Buy my NEW CALENDARS 2010 - they make a wonderful gift for Christmas!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Good Old Days...

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”
~ Dr. Seuss ~

Hi my friends,

Every generation has its good times, right? Don't dream about the good old days, most time there were not always that good if you look back closely enough. Remember the good sides of it - and smile!

I remember all your kind comments and compliments to my posts in these 3 years of blogging and I'm smiling. I'm happy to have still some of the "good old friends" visiting and I'm happy and smiling to see a lot of new faces here, every day. Thank you all for this virtual friendship!

Have a wonderful weekend and tomorrow I'll have my "Sunday Special" up again. Will you be back tomorrow too....? :)


Buy my NEW CALENDARS 2010 here!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Old Man and the Sea

~ A man is never lost at sea ~

The Old Man and the Sea,
a novella by American writer Ernest Hemingway, was written in Cuba in 1951 and published in 1952. It recounts an epic battle between an old fisherman and a giant marlin. Hemingway received the Pulitzer Prize for the book in 1953 and won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954. He was born on July 21, 1899, and died on July 2, 1961

Hi my friends,
I can see it, you're back and visiting - thank you so much for your comments!

Please come back every day and I'll try to post something smart, something funny, a nice detail hidden away somewhere in a pretty yard, sometimes some abstracts or just a simple straight out shot. It depends how my mood is and today I'm in a good mood, happy and smiling - like almost every day because life is good! :)
(I had other times too in my life...well, who has it not, right?)

Have a wonderful day - many sunshine to you!

My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available to buy here!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Some words about Friedrich Durrenmatt

It is surely easier to confess a murder over a cup of coffee than in front of a jury.
~Friedrich Durrenmatt ~

Friedrich Dürrenmatt (January 5, 1921 – December 14, 1990)
was a Swiss author and dramatist. He was a proponent of epic theater whose plays reflected the recent experiences of World War II. The politically active author's work included avant-garde dramas, philosophically deep crime novels, and often macabre satire. One of his leading sentences was: "A story is not finished, until it has taken the worst turn". Dürrenmatt was a member of the Gruppe Olten.

Dürrenmatt was born in Konolfingen, in the Emmental (canton of Bern), the son of a Protestant pastor. His grandfather, Ulrich Dürrenmatt, was a conservative politician. The family moved to Bern in 1935. Dürrenmatt began studies in philosophy and German language and literature at the University of Zurich in 1941, but moved to the University of Bern after one semester. In 1943, he decided to become an author and dramatist and dropped his academic career. In 1945-46, he wrote his first play It is written. On October 11, 1946, he married the actress Lotti Geissler. She died on January 16, 1983, and Dürrenmatt married again in 1984 to another actress, Charlotte Kerr.

Dürrenmatt also enjoyed painting. Some of his own works and his drawings were exhibited in Neuchâtel in 1976 and 1985, as well as in Zürich in 1978.

Like Brecht, Dürrenmatt explored the dramatic possibilities of epic theater. His plays are meant to involve the audience in a theoretical debate, rather than act as purely passive entertainment.

When he was 26, his first play, It Is Written, premiered to great controversy. The story of the play revolves around a battle between a sensation-craving cynic and a religious fanatic who takes scripture literally, all of this taking place while the city they live in is under siege. The play's opening night in April, 1947, caused fights and protests in the audience.

His first major success was the play Romulus the Great. Set in the year A.D. 476, the play explores the last days of the Roman Empire, presided over, and brought about by its last emperor. The Visit (Der Besuch der alten Dame, 1956) is a grotesque fusion of comedy and tragedy that creates a superb dramaturgic effect. It is the work best known in the United States. The satirical drama The Physicists (Die Physiker, 1962), which deals with issues concerning science and its responsibility for dramatic and even dangerous changes to our world, has also been presented in translation.

Radio plays published in English include Hercules in the Augean Stables (Herkules und der Stall des Augias, 1954), Incident at Twilight (Abendstunde im Spätherbst, 1952) and The Mission of the Vega (Das Unternehmen der Wega, 1954). The two late works "Labyrinth" and "Turmbau zu Babel" are a collection of unfinished ideas, stories, and philosophical thoughts.

Dürrenmatt died on December 14, 1990 in Neuchâtel.

Hi my friends,
I bet, some of you too had to study and to read one (or more) of the works of Friedrich Durrenmatt in the school, right? I remember to meet F. Durrenmatt in person in Zurich back in the 80's and I liked also some of his paintings.
Indeed, an interesting person to meet!

Thanks for all your kind comments to my post and come back again tomorrow, I love to see you on my blog :)

Don't forget: my NEW CALENDARS 2010 are ready to buy!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Architecture is a Visual Art

Cocoa Village, FL

Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.
Julia Morgan

Hi my friends,
thanks again for all the kind comments from yesterday!

I'm in a hurry little bit, I'm on the way out for a while today. I wish you a wonderful day!


My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are ready to buy here

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Don't walk in front of me...

"Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

~ Albert Camus ~

Hi my friends,

I'm glad you liked yesterday my Ernest Hemingway quote & photo and thank you for all those kind comments.

I hope you'll like this one too today about friendship. The colorful altered palm leaf of a silver palm is the right frame to this quote, I think. It's colorful and full of life, vivid as a friendship should be. What do you think?

I wish you a wonderful Tuesday - I'm happy to see you back again :)

Don't forget:
My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available to buy here

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ernest Hemingway was a Fisherman...

Somebody just back of you while you are fishing is as bad as someone looking over your shoulder while you write a letter to your girl.

~Ernest Hemingway~

Hi my friends,
thank you again so much for all the kind comments to my post!
Weekend is over already and I hope you all had a great start into your new week of work. I'm happy to see you back visiting!

My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available to buy here.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

There is a fountain of youth!

“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”

~ Sophia Loren ~

Hi my friends,

I like this quote coming from Sophia Loren, an Italian actress, and still today she is a beautiful woman. She obviously knows the key to getting old and to stay beautiful :)

Tomorrow I'll have my "Wordless Sunday" photo up - come back and see it. Thank you for the kind comments to my yesterday's post.

Happy Weekend everyone!

Oh, btw, my NEW CALENDARS 2010 are here - buy some, they make a nice gift!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ask me "why"....

Of course, there will always be those who look only at technique, who ask 'how', while others of a more curious nature will ask 'why'. Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information.
Man Ray

Hi my friends,
Thank you for all the nice comments and your visits to my blog :)
I agree so much with Man Ray's quote! I'm not that technical photographer, I'm more the intuitive person who sees the little details in my life. Ask me "why" I do my photography this way or the the other way - don't ask me "how" :)

It's amazing how fast time is going bye - Weekend is just around the corner
and I wish you a good one.

My NEW CALENDARS 2010 make a great gift for Christmas!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Everybody knows....

And ev'ry task you undertake

Becomes a piece of cake

A lark! A spree! It's very clear to see that

A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

The medicine go down-wown

The medicine go down

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

In a most delightful way

A robin feathering his nest

Has very little time to rest

While gathering his bits of twine and twig

Though quite intent in his pursuit

He has a merry tune to toot

He knows a song will move the job along - for

A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

The medicine go down-wown

The medicine go down

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

In a most delightful way

Out of the soundtrack of "Mary Poppins"

Hi my friends,
I'm sure you all remember the most known music part in "Mary Poppins" - it's a song to sing along, right?

I hope your life today is that easy too :)

Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments, I appreciate every single one!
Stay with me, come back tomorrow or the next day - I'm happy to see my friends enjoying my blog :)


My NEW CALENDARS 2010 make a nice gift for Christmas!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Concentrate to the present moment

Do not dwell in the past,
do not dream of the future,
concentrate the mind on the present moment.


Hi my friends,
I want to say thank you for all your wonderful words to my rather sad post from yesterday. That's what real friendship means for me - also in our virtual world - it's fantastic to see how people from all over the world are here for each other with good and supporting words.
This kind of friendship means a lot to me!

Have a wonderful day!

My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available in my shop to buy!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Life is not always colorful...

Hi my friends,

Life is not always colorful! There are also days they cover your heart with shadows, with grays and blacks. Yesterday was a day like that - we lost a beloved member of our family.

But life must go on...right? And it goes on, with every minute, every hour and every day. and that's the wonderful thing on time, it never stops.

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments to my beach photo yesterday.

Have a nice day and enjoy your time left on this earth!

My NEW CALENDARS 2010 are available NOW to buy!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Let's go to the beach...

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Someday they
let's go to the beach
the sun is my way
going to the sea by the sunset highway
driving my car
going to the sea by the sunset highway
driving my car

See you at the night awake
in downtown making some friends
good to see you so alive
good to see you so alive
smoke some junks
drink some beers
and make love under the sun

Let's go to the beach
and swim away
let's go to the beach
and swim away


I had yesterday a visitor record of 306 people on my blog - and that's a LOT for my blog!! Thank you ALL for stopping by and for the nice comments too.

I wish you all a wonderful day today - let's go to the beach! :)