Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Another cute face....

Baby Raccoon was hiding from me behind the palm tree and his mama ran behind a bush as they saw me coming (too) close to them. What a cute expression!

Hi my friends,

again: thank you, thank you for all the yesterdays comments on my blog. I'm sure you'll like this cute face too. (All the pictures are (like always) click-able to see it bigger).

I have no Christmas stress at all this year. The cards are written and sent out to my friends and loved ones in oversea.

And we are not giving each other gifts anymore, since many years now.

I hope you'll finish all your shopping good and soon
and will have time to enjoy the Holidays.

Have a magical day!

Yes, my CALENDARS 2010 are for sale. It's still time to buy one or two. Make someone happy, someone you love, your friends - or even your Mother in Law ;)

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