Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day at the Beach

stormy weather conditions at the beach

kids had to try out their new Christmas gifts

To the left side were dark clouds and to the right it was a blue sunny sky

Big breaking waves are rolling in to the shores

Hi my friends,

I hope you had all a nice and peaceful Christmas Day! Thank you so much for all your kind comments or thanks also for just visiting ;)

Dave and I went down to the beach yesterday and we was not expecting to see so much activity going on there. People were swimming and surfing in the big braking waves and over all it was more stormy and dark looking weather conditions than it was sunshine. I've enjoyed that afternoon and I made a lot of wave pictures and some other ones too. I'll share it with you over the next days.

The Holidays are over and the next big step to celebrate will be coming new years eve to welcome 2010. I'm hoping it will bring for all of us peace on this earth!

Tomorrow it will be my last "Wordless Sunday" in 2009, don't miss it.... :)
See you there,


There are still some CALENDARS 2010 left... do you need one?

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