Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hold fast to your dreams....

Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken 
winged bird that cannot fly. 

Hi my friends,

Here I am back again for a quick posting. 
I'm wishing you a wonderful weekend! 
Keep this quote above in mind, it's a perfect one - I love it! 

See you back next week again here on the same spot, o.k.?

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saying Good Bye!

Source of the quote:  

I'm saying now GOOD BYE to you my dear friends. 

This will be my last post for a while - today is the 6. year anniversary 
of this blog - it's time to rest a little bit, time to breath fresh air.

I had a great time, I learned a lot and I met so many wonderful people, like YOU! Thanks for all your loyal visits, for your inputs and kind comments over the years. I love you ALL!

It's time for me now to do something else, it's time to think about new directions to go. You'll still see me blogging here and there but no more every day, like I did. So, please come back from time to time, once a week (or maybe twice) and say "Hello" to my humbled, slowly aging blog - I will be happy to see you visiting again. :-))

And I'll tell you later more about all that new stuff I'll be doing, o.k.? :-))

Stick with me and thank you for everything!
Susanne :-)


In the meantime you can watch, enjoy 
and also buy my photography here: me on FAA (FineArtAmerica) me on RB (RedBubble) David's Fine-Art-Paintings on FAA


In Europa kann man meine Fotos hier kaufen:  Meine Fotokunst auf myGall Meine Fotokunst auf ARTFLAKES (AF)


My European fans buy my art here >>> 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm NOT ugly....

I'm not ugly, but my beauty is a total creation. 

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday, my friends!

Next Sunday will be a SPECIAL DAY for me and my blog. 
It's anniversary day - Yeah :-))))

After 6 years of blogging I'm not that sure if I will continue this blog... and it's hard for me to make this decision. 

"My baby" is now 6 years old and it is like in the real world, I don't want to let "my baby" go away, separated from me - and I'll be maybe forgotten too. 

But, I also would love to have time to do more creative work or even to learn something very different and new - away from photography, looking maybe for a new challenge in this world wide web of possibilities.

Well, as you can feel, I really don't have made up my mind right now.
Stay with me, first of all we will celebrate together next Sunday - the Champagne is ready - it's open house here...come in! :-))

Blogging almost every day for 6 years is quiet a long time, I have made some really nice friends from all over the world - I'm so thankful for that and I really don't want to loose YOU! 


Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - # 34

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom! 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Daisy Duck....

Daisy Duck is wishing you ALL a wonderful weekend!

It walks like a duck, it talks like a duck - it must be a duck. 
I like her new Sunday hat too.... :-)))

Thank you for all the kind comments to my last post and I'll see you
again on Sunday, right?


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Caution Alligators!

Yep, we are here in Florida.....! 
But, I haven't seen one of them, they must have been hiding out in the shade somewhere....

A pretty park with a nice and long path around the lake, 
a good way to do our daily walk as a little workout.

 In the lake were not only alligators, there were hundreds of small and big fishes.... 

...and we saw a lot of "snake head" turtles in all sizes.....

...and hundred's (!) of Ibises were walking all over the place and they were even sitting up in the trees. I'll show you a picture of that another day - it looks really funny.... they are very busy birds, always picking in the ground for food and walking fast.... here I caught them picking those little fishes out of the water. 

Hi my friends,

we took a ride to the beach and to that nice park area where I shot all those pictures - and many more :-))
It was a beautiful, hot Florida afternoon, for once without that every day afternoon rain showers.

I hope you'll enjoy the pictures too - I had big fun to make them.
Have a great Tuesday afternoon!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Secret of Success....

The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore. 

Hi my friends,

Thank you so much for all those kind comments and compliments to my last post. How do you like this quote? :-)

It's unbelievable, but it's Friday again.... another week went by to fast!
I hope you'll spend a weekend with a lot of fun and you'll be back on Sunday on this spot, to the same time..... o.k.?

T.G.I.F. Hurray.....!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nature is so powerful...

Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy - your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. 
It takes you to a place within yourself. 

Hi my friends,

thank you all for your kind comments to my wordless Sunday post!

This new picture above is about weather, stormy clouds and rain. I made the picture yesterday in the same park where my "Wordless Sunday" photograph was taken. I had two minutes only to shoot, the wind was picking up like crazy and it begun to rain. Weather can change very quick here in the rainy season - I love to feel the big rain drops on my skin!

I hope I could catch the pretty spooky atmosphere that always reigns before the storm and the rain set in. I love the weather like this!!

Have y'all a wonderful Wednesday.
See you later....

Friday, September 2, 2011

And be sure to smell the flowers...

You're only here for a short visit. 
Don't hurry, don't worry. 

And be sure to smell the flowers along the way. 

Hi my friends,

it's Friday again! Unbelievable, how fast time is running, like melting butter in the sun. It was just Monday, wasn't it? :-)

It seems for me that every week now is going bye faster than the the week before! And we are writing already the month of September, fall with all its magnificent colors is coming soon, waiting just around the corner.

Tomorrow is the Birthday of my son Daniel - and also this seems for me like I dreamed it: Not that long time ago I was just holding him in my arms as a little baby boy and today he has his own little family to take care of it. 
Time, time, time....!

I'm wishing you a wonderful Friday - enjoy your weekend and come back here on Sunday for "My Wordless Sunday" post. 

Love to see you visiting my blog - and don't forget, be sure to smell the flowers along your way :-)


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Passion is universal...

Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion, history, 
romance and art would be useless. 

Hi my friends,

I love this quote of Honore de Balzac and I loved to read all his romance stories in my teens and later on. And he knows about love and passion!

I'm wishing you a happy Wednesday and thank you for all the kind comments to my last posts.

Have a sunny day!


Visit also my portfolio and if you like something - buy something. Pep up those gray walls at your home and in your office! My artwork you'll find here:

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #31

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

my portfolio:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Money won't make you happy....

Money won't make you happy... but everybody wants to 
find out for themselves. 

Hi my friends,

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments and all those many "thumbs up" also on facebook to my last "Wordless Sunday" post.

We are absolutely NOT looking forward to Hurricane "Irene" who is coming this way towards the Florida East Coast - and the good news are, "she" will move more far out in to the Atlantic! We will get some heavy rain, that's for sure - but nothing more. 

And rain is always welcomed in Florida.

Thanks for that!

Wishing you ALL a nice Tuesday.

Visit my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #30

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - 
Buona Domenica per tutti - 
Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - 
Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Life is a Dream...

Life is a dream for the wise, 
a game for the fool, 
a comedy for the rich, 
a tragedy for the poor. 

Hi my friends,

I had some "turbulence" in the last past days and no time to post anything. 
But today we are back to "normal" life again, happily and I'm thankful for that. 
The picture of this amazing sunset was captured from the Hospital bed where hubby spent some days - but he is fine again - don't worry and of course, I'm happy to have him back again! :-)

I'm wishing you a great coming up weekend and I do hope to see you 
on my "Sunday Special", right here on this spot, o.k.?


Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Wordless Sunday - #29

Have a wonderful Sunday - Schoenen Sonntag allerseits - Buona Domenica per tutti - Je te souhaite une merveilleux Dimanche - Szep vasarnapot kivanom!

my USA portfolio:

my portfolio for my European fans:

Meine NEUEN Kalender 2012 sind da! (Klick Kalenders)

Friday, August 12, 2011

I've got big shoes to fill....

I've got big shoes to fill. This is my chance to do something. 
I have to seize the moment.

I'm wishing you all a wonderful Friday!

my USA portfolio:

Portfolio for my European fans