Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I'm NOT ugly....

I'm not ugly, but my beauty is a total creation. 

Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday, my friends!

Next Sunday will be a SPECIAL DAY for me and my blog. 
It's anniversary day - Yeah :-))))

After 6 years of blogging I'm not that sure if I will continue this blog... and it's hard for me to make this decision. 

"My baby" is now 6 years old and it is like in the real world, I don't want to let "my baby" go away, separated from me - and I'll be maybe forgotten too. 

But, I also would love to have time to do more creative work or even to learn something very different and new - away from photography, looking maybe for a new challenge in this world wide web of possibilities.

Well, as you can feel, I really don't have made up my mind right now.
Stay with me, first of all we will celebrate together next Sunday - the Champagne is ready - it's open house here...come in! :-))

Blogging almost every day for 6 years is quiet a long time, I have made some really nice friends from all over the world - I'm so thankful for that and I really don't want to loose YOU! 


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