Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nature is so powerful...

Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy - your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. 
It takes you to a place within yourself. 

Hi my friends,

thank you all for your kind comments to my wordless Sunday post!

This new picture above is about weather, stormy clouds and rain. I made the picture yesterday in the same park where my "Wordless Sunday" photograph was taken. I had two minutes only to shoot, the wind was picking up like crazy and it begun to rain. Weather can change very quick here in the rainy season - I love to feel the big rain drops on my skin!

I hope I could catch the pretty spooky atmosphere that always reigns before the storm and the rain set in. I love the weather like this!!

Have y'all a wonderful Wednesday.
See you later....

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