Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Birds have wings...

Birds have wings; they're free; they can fly where they want when they want. 
They have the kind of mobility many people envy.
Roger Tory Peterson  

Hi my friends,

It's me - thanks again for all the kind comments from yesterday.

I had this picture of the flying seagull - made at Cocoa Beach - in my archives since many days and I was always thinking what can I say to this picture? Nothing....I had no ideas - until today, I've found this quote above and I like it. It describes in simple words: The dream of men of being able to fly.

Did you ever have ideas like "just flying away" to places where you never have been before? And what kind of places - where will that be?

Oh, by the way......: Happy St. Patrick's Day to all the Irish out there :)

Come back visiting me anytime, I'm still here, also tomorrow....*smile*....


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