Monday, March 22, 2010

Dandelion Flower - Sign of Spring

It's springtime - Yeah!

The Medicinal use of the Dandelions

flowers, roots and leaves, have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine & medicinal teas, most notably for liver detoxification, as a natural diuretic and for inflammation reduction. Unlike other diuretics, dandelion leaves contain good amounts of potassium, a mineral that is often lost during increased urination. There is also evidence that this property of dandelion leaves may normalize blood sugar.  

Hi my friends,

Now it's official, it's springtime. I hope it's arrived everywhere you are living, so you can enjoy also the coming warmer days  :)

Thank you for all the wonderful comments to my posts recently. Looking forward to all the new ones coming up....LOL...

I wish you a great day and see you tomorrow, right? :)

With your purchase You'll support a starving artist - that's me....*smile*...

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