Saturday, April 3, 2010

The Christian Cross

The Cross 
captured somewhere on my travels in Wyoming

is the main symbol of the Christian religion
These crosses are usually found on Christian churches.
Jesus, who Christians believe is God the Son and their messiah, was crucified (nailed to a large wooden cross). This was a commonly used method for killing people in Roman times.

Christians believe that Jesus' death made the sins of all humans who trust in him, go away, and that they are forgiven. They also believe that Jesus was resurrected (came back to life) after three days. Because of this, the cross is a symbol for Jesus' sacrifice and suffering, but also a symbol of hope, forgiveness of sins, and victory over death.
There are several different Christian crosses that are symbols for different Christian groups or persons.

A cross with the body of Jesus on it is called a Crucifix.
The empty cross is usually favored by Protestants, and the symbol reminds them of the resurrection of Jesus, while the crucifix is favored by Catholic and Orthodox churches and is a reminder of Christ's sacrifice.

Hi my friends,
Tomorrow, the Christian world is celebrating Easter. I wish to you all who celebrate HAPPY EASTER.

Thank you also for all your wonderful comments and compliments to my post yesterday. I'm still thrilled about that honor of the recognition of my blog to get chosen to the list of the 47 BEST PHOTO BLOGS on the web
together with other great fellow photo bloggers. 
My congratulations to all the other 46 people!

Have a wonderful day!


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