Monday, April 26, 2010

My 1240th post today!

My 1240th post today!!!!
I do celebrate it with this beautiful Florida sunset - sharing it with YOU!

Hi my friends,

Unbelievable, it's that long time already since I'm blogging?  Almost every day I'm bringing something new up to my blog for you to enjoy and for me to connect with great friends. Thanks for all those numerous wonderful comments and compliments since I have started my blog. People came and people left over these years, new faces came up, staid a while and some old friends they are still here - LOVE you all!

As long I can and as long my old laptop is working clean and fast, I'll be here and share with you all my 
bla bla bla's and my photography - I hope you can still stand it, after so many years....LOL...:)

Have a wonderful day, enjoy your life and come see me again :)

Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here

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