Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Computer Bug and the Sunset

This beautiful sunset happened two days ago - but I was not able to post it earlier.

Hi my friends,

Two days ago I shot this wonderful sunset at the lake - and while I was out a computer bug was eating up my computer! Don't laugh, because it was not fun at all! 

The repair guy was here for over 7 hours and tried to fix both of our laptops, not just mine. And after he left, I was happy for maybe 2 hours and then something were blocking everything again - I had no connections at all! So, today is Saturday, we called the guy up again - he was here for maybe another hour and finally now it's everything the way it should be: it's fine and working - YEAH! :)

I have never realized so clearly how strong - and you probably too! - I am addicted and depending on this box called laptop :)

So, I hope I can work for a while again without any problems, cross your fingers for me.
Thank you also for all those kind comments from the last post!
See you tomorrow too? It's my "Wordless Sunday" Special coming up :)
Have a great weekend!


Buy my photography printed, framed or stretched on Canvas here

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